Chapter 2

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Hey guys,

So here is the next Chapter, hope you enjoy. I would like to dedicate this chapter to @-GivesYouHell for being the first to comment. I love hearing what you guys think.

Bye for now, keep SMILING! :-)


Marf. xxx


Brookes P.O.V.

I wake up and look at the clock. Crap! It was 11AM, I was late for work. I get out of bed and change into my work clothes. Brushing dark brown hair and putting it in pony tail. I run out of my room and head down the corridor. Being part of the ACU meant that I had to sleep in the halls with the other guards. Not having time for food, I leave the building and go over to my quad. Starting it up I head over to the Raptors enclosure and hope that no one will notice that I'm late.

Reaching the enclosure I turn of my bike and run up the stairs to my post. Owen turns and looks at me smiling, 'nice to see you today Brooke.'

'Yeah, I know it's always great to see me.' I joke, Owen just rolls his eyes and focuses back on the Raptors.

I watch as he tosses each of the Raptors a rat. Then he dismisses the Raptors and stands watching them.

'PIG LOOSE! Pig loose!' Frank one of the assistants shouts.

I watch as he runs across the walkway with a pole, dangling it to where the pig is running. Just as the pig goes throw the loop Echo runs and grabs it, causing Frank to fall into the enclosure. Without thinking I drop my Drawing pad and jump over the railing, once I hit the ground I run over to Frank and stand in front of him shielding him from the Raptors. I hear other ACU men drawing their guns and aiming them at the Raptors.

'NO! Hold your fire.' I tell them, not taking my eyes from the Raptors. I hear the gate open behind us, 'Kid, I want you to get out of here now.' I hear Frank run out the enclosure but to my horror I hear someone running in.

'Put twelve amps in those animals and they're never going to trust me again.' Owen shouts from beside me.

I see the men relax a little but still have the guns pointing at the Raptors. 'Blue, you going to be a good girl and stand down?' I tell her, my hand outstretched in front of her face.

'What are you doing?' Owen snaps at me, as we slowly back towards the gate. 'Delta, I can see you, back up.'

'Give me the lecture once we are out of here.' I snap back. 'Stand down.' I say firmly, the Raptors all stop and watch me.

'Close the gate,' Owen tells Barry.

'Are you crazy?!?' Barry shouts at him. 'What about Brooke?'

'Just close the gate, Bar.' I grumble.

I hear the gate slowly closing, glancing at Owen I see he is watching me. I nod my head telling him to go, instead he starts mouthing, One...Two...Three...

Both of us turn and run to the gate the Raptors chasing us. We slide under it just in time, I get up and offer Owen a hand. Pulling him up I smile at him before turning to Frank.

'You the new guy?' I ask, he just nods still in shock, 'ever occur to you why a spot opened up?' his eyes widen as he walks away. I just think over what I have just done, I controlled the Raptors. But why would they listen to me?

'You ok?' Owen asks as he steps in front of me.

'Yeah, just peachy.' I answer smiling, then Owen grabs my shoulders.

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