Chapter 1: I just hit George Ford in the head.

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I was woken up by the dreadful sound of my alarm filling my ears and jolting me awake from a peaceful slumber. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes only to be blinded by the morning sun causing me to tumble over the side of the bed onto the hard floor. I fumbled around until I found the plug socket were my alarm was attached to and pulled it out.

I let out a sigh and crumpled to the floor once more. Just as I was about to fall asleep once more, my roommate and best friend Johanna comes barging into my room like a little Jack Russell and starts to shake me whilst yelling

"Up, up! Come on phoebe get up! We're going to be late!" Her words caused me to become more confused.

"Where are we going?" I asked with a croaky morning voice.

"Don't tell me you forgot," she said with a fake hurt expression, "we've got pre season training. Now hurry we leave in half an hour"

With that she walked out closing the door behind her. I look up at the clock on my wall to see that she was right, we've got rugby training in 45 minuets. I rush to get dressed, putting on all my gear and my boots in my bag along with a change of clothes. Once I'm happy I have everything I rush out the door and hop into my Nissan skyline waiting for Jo.

I wait for 5 minuets until I get too inpatient and honk the horn 3 times to make her hurry up, next thing I know she was sitting next me waiting to go.

"What took you so long? you were dressed when you came in this morning." I asked even though I already know the answer.

"I was chatting to Morgan." Was her simple answer. I just left it there, she met Morgan a month ago at one of her uncles weddings and instantly liked him. She gave him her number and they haven't stopped talking to each other.

We pulled up outside of the rec where we did training. It seemed bigger from the outside, it has green stands making up the side of it that reached up to 20 feet high and there were tall lamps over the side to light up the pitch after dark.

I went on in with Jo behind me, probably on her phone again. When I reached the pitch there was no one there, it looked to be untouched with its short green grass covering the surface and the two white goal posts on ever side of the pitch.

"Looks like we're the first ones here. I'm going to practise my kicking." I told Jo who was still looking at her phone.

"Sure, I'm going to meet Morgan in a cafe across the road. I won't be late, I promise!" She said after she saw the look on my face.

"We have 15 minutes till training, don't miss it!" I said with all serious.

"I won't, I'll see you in 15 minuets then. Have fun kicking a ball about." She said turning on her heel and walking out.

With that I went to my bag and got out my rugby ball out, practise makes perfect. I did a few stretches before I walked to the middle of the pitch. I put the ball in the right position, took a few steps forward before dropping the ball and kicking with all my might. The ball flew high and long which was perfect and bounced just past the 25 meter line. Yes, I still got it. I ran to it and picked it up before kicking it again.

I was now starting to kick threw the goal posts, I still had about 7 minutes left before anyone arrived. I placed the ball on the stand, took a few steps back, aimed and kicked. The ball went flying easily threw the middle of the posts. What I didn't notice was a man about my age walking on the edge of the pitch, I only noticed him when my ball smashed him on the head.

" OH MY GOD!!! Are you ok?!" I shouted to him whilst running towards him to make sure he was alright. When I reached him, he was standing there rubbing his head and his face all scrunched up.

"Here, let me look. I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." I said pealing his hands off his head so I could see.

"It's alright, it will heal sooner or later. I've had worse injures." He said putting his head down so I could have a better look at his head. There was a bump were my ball hit him but it looked like it should go down in a couple of days.

"I'm so sorry, I never had the best of aim. But the bump should go down in a couple of days. Sorry again." I said with an apologetic smile.

He bought his head up and then I saw who I hit with my ball. The fly half for England and bath was standing in front of me with a small smile on his face. Our eyes met for a couple of seconds and it was like we were the only ones alive. I looked away from his ocean blue eyes.

"Now I feel even worse knowing that it's you. I can't believe I hit George Ford in the head with my ball." I said causing a chuckle to escape his full lips.

"Don't worry, no real harm done. Like I said, I've had worse injures." He said with a smile.

At that moment there was one thought going threw my head, I just hit George Ford in the head.

I looked up to see George's eyes staring at me, as if he was trying to know exactly what I was feeling. After what seem to be only seconds for staring into each other's eyes, someone cleared their throat. I turned around to see Jo waving me over franticly.

"Well sorry again for hitting you again. I hope it heals quickly." I said about to walk off when he grabbed my wrist.

"Um, I was wondering, um, if you wanted some training on kicking I'll be happy to teach you." He said going a bit red.

"Sure, I would love that. Are you free after practise?" I asked eagerly, I wanted to become the best fly half for my team and if George was willing to teach me, I was more then happy to learn.

"Yea, I've only get to watch a match over but I should be done by 2." He said with a wide smile

"Great, see you then."

With that I jogged to Jo who was still waving frantically at me. When I reached her, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the girls changing rooms. She had a smile that reached ear to ear and was practically jumping up and down.

"What?" I asked as she just stared at me with a creepy face.

"You and George Ford! When did this happen?" She yells at me so loud I swear everyone in bath could hear her.

I stared at her with wide eyes like she was crazy.

"What did you mean 'me and George Ford'?" I ask not catching on.

"What do I mean by 'you and George Ford', I mean you were talking to him and staring at each other like you were in love. You didn't even notice me come in! What did he say to you? Tell me EVERYTHING!"she asks griping me by the shoulders and shaking me franticly.

"Well, I was practicing my kicking when I accidentally hit him on the head with my ball. So I went over to him not knowing who he was and asked him if he was ok. We got talking and now he's going to teach me how to be a proper fly half." I said like it was no big deal even though on the inside I was freaking out.

"Oh my god! You're going out with George ford!!!!" She said hugging me in a bear hug.

"WHAT!! No, he's only training me! We're not going out or anything!" I shouted at her not wanting her to get the wrong idea.

"You don't understand, that was his way to get to know you better. He's just waiting to make a move." She said trying to convince me. I snorted, what would George ford want with me. Just then the rest of the team came into the changing rooms to get ready for practice.

"We're not done talking about this." Jo said giving me a stern look then walking out. Great she won't stop until she knows every little detail.

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