Chapter 18: fight!

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Damon was beating George to a pulp, I would like to say they were fighting, but that would involve both of them hurting each other equally. That wasn't happening, Damon had tackled George to the floor and was punching his face in with no Marcy while George was just taking all of them.

This made me think, if George didn't regret his actions surly he would be fighting back, right?

Mike instantly jumped in between Damon and George shoving them both so hard that they went flying to opposite sides of the room.

I stood there, shocked about what just happened. While Mike took care of it all like the soldier he was.

"Stop it now, I don't appreciate you getting his blood all over my sisters cream carpet." Mike yelled at Damon.

Damon was panting, but it sounded more like growling the longer you listened. His green eyes were in slits that seemed to penetrate your sole. To match this he was red in the face, but it was unclear if it was anger or the workout he just completed on George's face.

George was also red in the face, but for a very different reason, it was blood. It covered his face, pouring down his nose and into his mouth as well as cuts all around his face spilling his scarlet blood all over the place. But it looked like he didn't care. He looked broken, but for another reason than his face being rearranged by Damon. He looked broken on the inside.

Mike made eye contact with Damon and gave him a questioning look.
"Who are you anyway?" He finally asked when Damon visibly calmed down.

"I'm Damon, me and your sister have been friends for five years. We met in Poole the last time she ran away. She spent the night at mine last night." Damon said holding his hand out to shake Mikes with, then added "I've heard so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you."

Mike looked at his hand for a moment then took it wholeheartedly with a smile on his face. "Nice to know your looking after little sis, it's nice to meet you too." Mike said in return but then turned his attention to George.

"We need to get you to a doctor, your nose looks broken and you have to have those cuts cleaned." Mike evaluated his face carefully.

"No, I'm fine. I've had worse." George said in return.

"No! You're going to go to the doctors, get fixed up! I may be furious with you, but you are not risking your health!" I yell at him.

Everyone just stares at me with their mouths hung open from my sudden outburst. I just stand there, my eyes in slits and hands on my hips daring them to question me.

"Ok, then that's settled. I'll go with George to get his face fixed, while you two calm down." We all agreed to Mike's suggestion.

George left with Mike in my car to get fixed up while me and Damon watched game of thrones on Netflix.

Damon even went to the liberty to make popcorn with chocolate spread on top. With that we relaxed with the latest game of thrones episode, battle of the bastards.


Mike returned home two episodes later alone. He looked tired. I only just realised the bags under his eyes that had lost their natural sparkle. Also he seem tense, his shoulders raised and hands clenched like it was the only natural way to hold them.

"Where's George?" I asked as he came to join us on the sofa. Damon scoffed at my question while Mike sighed.

"Home, he was particularly asleep at the doctors. Which is understandable since he didn't sleep at all while you where away." Mike answers leaning his head back on the sofa with his eyes closed.

"Really? Why would he not sleep and why was he here anyway?" I asked getting curious about why he cared so much.

"He said he was sorry, he regretted his decision more than anything he's done before. But he refused to share many details with me, after all it was you he came here for." Mike answered.

Why would he want to tell me something but not my own brother? Great now I want to know, but I'm not going to talk to him yet. I don't think I will be able to see him alone.

We end up watching 5 episodes together before we all pass out on the sofa together. That night my dreams were haunted by George's beat up face and Jon snow.


The next day it was like everything was back to normal. Damon had gone home and Mike had decided to sleep in most of the day to catch up on sleep.

I decide to phone Jo to see if she was going to training tonight, I haven't seen her in ages since she now lives with Morgan. I choose to call her.

"Hey, long time no see. Where have you been girl?" Jo says after picking up instantly.

"I'm good, we need to catch up, are you going to training tonight?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ill pick you up, then after training we can go to Starbucks or something."

"Yes, I can't wait see you at 1 then!" She says sounding excited.

"Amazing, see you then!" I say matching her excitement.

With that I hung up since if we talk now, we won't have anything to talk about later.

Now my days getting better knowing I'm going to see my best friend in a matter of hours. I have other people I could talk to, but nothing is like talking to someone who can relate emotionally to your problem. That's why I would probably go insane if it wasn't for Jo.

I skip up the stairs exited to finally get back to normality. I get dressed in record time and stuff all my kit into my duffle bag along with a spear outfit and deodorant.

Now to get all my anger out on playing my favourite sport, rugby.

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