Chapter 9- 'what did i just do?'

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"So, you and George?" Mike asked as we get back to my place. Trust him to get right to the point, but then again it must run in the family since I also have the same habit.

"What?!" I ask trying to play dumb with him. He gave me the face that said 'I know what's really going on, so you better tell me the truth.' This cause me to sigh in defeat which makes him smirk in return, but he's not getting off that easily.

"Fine, I'll tell you but only if you tell me what happened out there." I said with a stun face and voice giving him no chance to argue with me.

"Fine, but only because I'm worried for you and want to make sure you don't get hurt." He said causing me to smile in victory since I know this won't be easy for Mike to tell.

We walked over to the sofa and sat down with him beside me leaning back and looking at the ceiling with his arms behind his head.

"OK, well I'll go first," I say since I know my story will be a lot easier to tell than his.

I told him the hole story from when I hit George on the head with the ball to when I feel asleep at his house whilst watching a movie. I told him about how his dad wanted him to not hang out with me or help me with training, then I finally noticed Georges dad and my brother have the same name, which I found rather ironic.

"I started to notice I had feelings for him and I thought he might feel the same about me, then when we got to the coffee shop and he walked in with this girl who had her hands all on him, I lost all hope and thought he would never go for me when he had someone like her." I said as I let one lone tear fall. Before I could wipe it away, Mike did it for me whilst pulling me onto his lap and hugging me with enough force to prevent me from breathing which I found oddly calming.

"How did you know something was up with me and George?" I asked once he released me from his death grip.

"Do you relay think the army would let one of their highly trained infantry officers go out into the field without being able to read people and their emotions by the way they act?" He asks not expecting an answer but I think my look of sudden understanding was enough for him.

"Anyway, enough of my life story, what about you?" I ask trying to hangs the subject and lighten the atmosphere but it just gets heavier with each second passing.

"Well, that's a long story." he said avoiding eye contact, I jump off his lap and glare at him knowing he will brake sooner or later.

Sighing he finally looks at me in defeat. "Fine, but after this we're never talking about this again." I just nod.

"Alright then," he told me all of it, from laughing with his mates on nights off to practically living in a ditch for weeks because no rescue teams could reach them. I stayed quiet for the whole story just listening and being there for him when he couldn't continue.

"Don't worry, you don't have to continue." I say as Mike is nearly in tears but just holding himself together by a thread.

"No, I have to go on or else I won't ever finish again." He says carrying on, I sit closer to him and hold his hand knowing this is the worse part of the story. "6 months ago Ethan was killed in action." Was all he said and this caused dread to feel my body. Ethan and Mike were inseparable from the day they met, even when Mike told him he was joining the army, Ethan went down to the recruitment office the same day to join up In the same contingent. Instantly I wrapped my arms around his neck letting him cry into my shoulder, finally allowing his walls to crumble down.

We sat there just holding each other for what felt like hours, no talking or anything. Eventually I fell asleep in his arms to exhausted from this day of mental and emotional stress. First I saw my brother for the first time in 4 years, then I saw George with another girl and finally I got Mike to open up.

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