Chapter 3: anything can happen in just one day.

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"So how did training go?" Jo says as soon as I step foot in the front door.

"Good." I say bluntly as I walk in and dump me stuff on the floor before sitting in my space on our couch. This causes her to stare wide eyes with her mouth opening and closing a little, she kinda looks like a gold fish.

"Just good! Come on give me some details! I know something must of happened for you to be this blunt with me." She almost yells at me. She comes and stands directly in front of me with her arms crossed. We've been friends for 7 years so I already know that she knows I'm hiding something. No point in lying now.

"Well, we just practiced some tricky shots and how to improve my technique to get a better range." I say taking out some details. I didn't exactly lie, I just withheld information.

"And...?" She says expecting more. Man, this woman is like the Einstein of reading emotions. Especially mine.

"He's really cool, he gave me his number and said any time I won't to practice just give him a call." I said hoping she will be satisfied with that answer. I still didn't mention the part about how he held me from behind when adjusting my kicking technic.

"Oh my GOD! He so likes you! You've got to cool him back, but not too soon, but not too late. How about you call him in a two days time but text him tomorrow just saying 'hi' or something..." She rambles on casing me to zone out.

I think of the way George held me which brings a smile to my face instantly. Do I like him? Of cause I do, you'd have to be crazy not to. He's so sweet and kind. I mean who would offer to coach a small town fly half for free? but did he like me? That was the ultimate question. I've never really been the type to go out with a lot of guys, or even have much dating experience. All I'm certain of is that I like George but I'm just not sure in what way yet. Uhh, you'd have a be a mind reader to pro at dating.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Jo asks waking me up from my trance. She glares at me as I smile innocently at her

"Of course, your ideas and knowledge are too amazing, it would be Impossible to even tune out for just a second." I say full of emphasis which she doesn't buy it.

"No need for your sass girl." She said glaring at me, "well, as I was saying you need to call him back!"

"I'm going to don't worry," I say getting up from my seat,"he's a good friend." I say uncertain of my own words because I don't know what he is to me. At the moment he's just a friend.

"Just a friend, or something more?" She says trying to get more details out of me. I don't turn around and just carry on walking up the stairs to my room.

"I'm going to watch a movie in my room, call me when you order dinner." I say half way up the stairs and quickly changing the subject.

"Fine." Is all she says as she finally expects defeat. I know she's going to ask about this later, but for now I had won our verbal battle.

I walked into my room and chucked my stuff in the corner. 'I'll sort that out later' I thought making my way over to my king size bed. In the centre of my bed was my MacBook which was my whole life. Everything was on it, and I mean everything. Without my MacBook, I'd be lost.

Laying on my bed, I pulled up my MacBook screen and set up one of my favourite movies, guardians of the galaxy. Just as I was about to hit play, my phone buzzed. Picking it up, I saw that George had text me.


'Hey, just wanted to say you did amazing today. Same time next week?'

I had to read it twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming. He thought I did good today. Having a compliment from him was better than having 100 compliments from my friends and family.


"Thanks and sure, I have practice again anyway."


"Cool, see you then and if you want to talk or hang out then just call."


"Ok, thanks again for coaching me."


"That's fine, I have to go but I'll talk to you later bye!"


"Ok, bye!"

Oh my god, I can't believe he wants to hang out, I mean he must have loads of friends yet he picked me. I mean we just met today and he already wants to hang out.

I try not to let this 5 minute text conversation get the best of me. As I calm down, I grab my laptop and hit play, hopefully Chris Pratt's face will calm me down .


An hour later my phone began to ring, pausing my video I picked it up to see it was George again.

"Hey, what's up?" I say causally answering my phone.

"Hey, I just told the final dates for the Aviva premiership games." He said sounding like he wanted to say more.

"Cool, so when's your first game?" I ask out of curiosity, you never know, I might go and see him play.

"It's on the 17th of October against the Exeter Chiefs at home. And I was wondering if you wanted to come along to see the game?" He asked reading my mind.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I say getting excited, I never get a chance to go watch a game because I'll end up being alone or I'm too busy.

"Cool, I'll see you Saturday then. Come to the rec around 1 and I'll introduce you to the team." He adds. So not only do I get to watch a game, but I also get to meet the whole team! This is too good to be true!

"Awesome! I'll be there!" I say, just then Jo walks into my room saying dinners ready.

"Oh, who you talking to?" She questions but I bet she already knows.

"No one." I answer quickly only to see her smirk grow. She suddenly jumps on me and starts yelling into my phone (which is right next to my ear).

"hey George, phoebs love you so much! She misses you like crazy! She won't stop talking about y..." I shut her up by kicking her in the stomach making her wince. "Ow! Why'd you kick me? I was only saying the truth!" She says defensively.

"No you weren't! Now go make dinner, I'll be down in a minute." I say hoping for her to get out as soon as possible.

"Fine, bye George!" She yells one more time while skipping out the door. I sigh in relief.

"I'm sorry about her, she gets a bit excited some times." I apologise to him. I hope he doesn't think that what she said was true, if he did, I don't know what would happen.

"It's fine, even if I'm now death in one ear." He says chuckling making me laugh as well. Oh, his laugh is like heaven.

"Tell me about it," I say chuckling still,"Sorry again, but I better go before she comes barging in again." I say not really wanting to stop talking to George.

"Ok, I have to go too. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, bye George." And with that I hung up. I can't believe all of this has happened in less than a day, it's like If you told me I'd meet and train with George ford this morning, I wouldn't believe you. Now look at me, I'm trying not to fan girl over my sporting hero.



Guys, today I actually met George ford and most the bath team! They were all so nice and sweet! And to top it all off, we beat the Exeter Chiefs 19-17!!!!!!

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