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"Thank you Mr Roberts for dropping me off home.",I said getting out of the car. Noticing neither of my parents were home.
"No problem.", he said letting down the window.
I walked up to my front door and unlocked it, slightly waving as Mr Roberts drove off.


I walked in my two story house exhausted from today. I swear these kids get rowdy as fuck when I actually explain sex to them.
I laid down on my bed when my phone started ringing. It was my mom. Damn.
"Hello?",she answered right away.
"Yeah hey ma wassup?",she smacked her lips.
"Boy gone wit that wassup mama shit.",I chuckled through the phone. My mom a trip.
"Haha my bad ma.",she laughed.
" your daughter misses you. She wondering when you can come back.",I sighed.
"She can uhh...she can come home with me now. Shariece is gone..",I got sad thinking about her. I low key missed her but she did me dirty.
"Alright when?",I though for a minute at her question
"Thus Friday."


I pulled up to the trap, closing my door. I pulled my hoodie down as I walked in. Nobody from school knew I sold..including Noni.
I walked in and sat next to my dad.
"Wassup son?",he nodded still looking down at paper.
"Nun much. What's that shit?",I said taking off my hot ass jacket.
"Shipment papers.",I nodded in reply when my dad secretary Trinidad came in.
"Wassup zaddy?",my dad nodded not paying her no mind.
"Hey jhit.",she said laughing.
"If I was legal I'd fuck you up.",my dad punched my chest.
"Don't talk to lil mama like that.",she chuckled and sat down.
"So",she started pulling out a folder,"these are the offers from 3rd street and main street. They all want to invest under your name.",Trinidad stated.
"Ight.",he turned to me.
"Aye",he started,"go sell this and come back."
I stood up and nodded taking a pound of weed and coke from him,stuffing it in my jacket pocket.

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