Likes/Dislikes Tag

65 8 3

I was tagged by Lindy3010 to do this tag. Hey Lindy!

3 Things I Like About Myself:

1. My eyes, apparently they are really pretty.

2. My dancing. Apparently I'm really good. I have a friend, and she's been a premier for a while, and in one of my last intermediate competitions her mom was like "Oh god, she's a premier?"

3. I'm pretty proud of my one-shots. And just my writing in general. People seem to like it, considering there are 545 of you at the current time.

3 Things I Dislike About Myself:

1. My habit to constantly play with my hair. It's pretty long, and I tend to braid it and unravel it.

2. My singing. It sucks.

3. I get distracted soooooo easily. Its really annoying when I'm trying to do homework or something.

Now I have to tag 3 people...... Well, sorry if you've already done it:




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