A-Z Facts About Me

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I was nominated by Winnie_Rivers to do this.

Age: 13 (It's been two months)

Biggest Fear: I have a couple but my main ones are spiders and rejection

Current Time: 8:12

Drink I Had Last: Water....

Everyday Begins With: My waking up to my alarm at 5:50 and checking Wattpad

Fav. Song: Wolves.  Or A.M.  Or Olivia.  Or End of the Day.  All by One Direction O.o

Ghosts: Mmmmmm I don't know

Hometown: I'm just gonna say that I live on the east coast of 'Merica

In Love With: Only Winnie knows the details, but a guy who's name starts with a B.

Jealous of: Ginny Weasley XD

Killed Someone: I'm not that horrible you know XD

Last Time I Cried: Two nights ago when talking to Winnie... Don't worry but they were good tears XD

Middle Name: Kathleen

Number of Siblings: Four and they are all younger XD

One Wish: Well, I'm gonna have to make it three: Meet Winnie and the rest of my internet friends, go to Hogwarts, and to have a unicorn XD  Oh, and go to a One Direction concert

Person I Last called: My friend who has a Wattpad but is taking a hiatus

Question I Get Asked a Lot: I have no idea XD

Reason to Smile: Mainly Winnie and the guy who's name starts with B XD and my best friends here at home

Song I Last Sung: Renegades by X Ambassadors

Time I Woke Up: 6:55 (I was forced 😑)

Underwear Care: Uhhhh why do you need to know this???

Vacation Spot: San Diego or the mountains.  I'm not really a beach babe 😁


X-Rays: Like, three times.  I don't remember what for 

Your Weirdest Dream: I only remember one of my dreams and it wasn't weird at all.  Actually, Winnie, do you think it's weird???

Zodiac Sign: Virgo ♍

I nominate drewrunner and 1DizzleLand to do this tag 😋

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