Another Random Tag

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I was tagged by tacocat33.  Love ya 😘!

What is....

Fav color:  Maroon.  Or gold.  Or emerald.  Or silver.  Or robin's egg blue.  Or lavender. 

Fav song: Hello by Adele

Last time I felt alone: Last night, I was up really late so no one was on 😞

Thing I love most about myself: Idk.... this is hard.....

Something you can't live without:  My friends.  Internet or in real life, I love them all 😘

Something that makes you cry: Fangirl attacks 😍

How I motivate myself: Music, friends, food, books, sleep.  The five basic elements of life.

Have you....

Been hiking: Yep

Been camping: Yep

Gotten into an uncomfortable situation: Of course!

Pranked someone: Teehee 😜

Forgotten what you had for dinner the night before: Like, every day 😜

Do you....

Enjoy my way of living: Sure!

Like being productive or lazy: I try to be productive but I usually fail 😛

Have any pets: A dog.

Do fun activities: Quite often :)

Love my family: Of course 😘

Watch movies: Um, like, every day

Can you....

Speak any language besides english: I've been taking German for nine years.

Remember your earliest memory: Idk 

Tell what someone's feeling based on their expression: Not really 😐

Ask questions easily: No way 😨

Are you....

Shy or outgoing: Somewhere in the middle

Open or reserved: Again, somewhere in the middle

Stubborn or relenting: Stubborn.

Harsh or gentle: Depends on who I'm talking to.  Usually somewhere in the middle  😜

I tag: Winnie_RiversLittleMissAmazhang, and readwriter7.  

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