Chapter 5- Lucifer

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"This shit is fucked up," Bishop swears, pounding his fist on the back door of this banged-up Escalade.

Unlike me, my brother has never had a problem showing his emotions. He's a tough soldier, but Fat Ace has been like a brother to him since we were kids. They rose up the ranks together. There was mad love and respect between them. I feel all that he's feeling and more.

"I hear you, cuz," Cutty says, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. Memphis's city light passes by in a long blur. Normally, I'm the one that's behind the wheel, handling business and getting it done, but there ain't shit normal about tonight.

"I hate to even think about what those sick VD fucks will do with our man's body," Novell adds, shaking his head.

"Fat Ace deserves better, cuz." More tears sting my eyes, but with no rain inside the vehicle to cover them up, I fight those muthafuckas back with everything I got. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

A large sob grows in my throat, but I choke on that muthafucka instead of letting it out. Now that my body has been untwisted and I'm not pinned inside that wrecked SUV, I can breathe a little better- and think clearer.

"We gotta get over there," Bishop announces.

"No way we let them keep Mason's body." Hope springs up in my chest.

I reach for a gun that I no longer have at my side. "Let's do it."

Cutty lifts his head and stares at us through the rearview mirror. "Say what?"

"Nigga, I didn't stutter. Let's do this." Cutty glances at Novell in the front passenger seat only to see cuz hang his head.

"Strap me," I tell Bishop, ignoring the incredible amount of pain ricocheting throughout my body. He twists his face.

"Hell naw. We're dropping you off at Dr. Cleveland's so he can patch you up. We'll handle this shit."

"Don't you dare treat me like a bitch." Bishop tosses up his hands.


"Ain't no buts to this shit. I'm a muthafuckin' head nigga. All life long, baby. Now what?" Bishop clams his jaw tight though I can see he wants to come hard at me.

I can't let that shit happen -especially in front of our people. If he clowns me, my authority goes out the window. I mush the side of his head.

"Fall back and play your muthafuckin' position." Bishop glares.

"Now strap me," I order him again.

Swearing under his breath, Bishop reaches down to his pants leg and retrieves his backup. I eyeball it and then his TEC-9. He knows what's up before my ass even has to ask. We exchange guns.

"The only reason I ain't goin' upside your head right now is because we're blood."

"Are you two fuckin' crazy? We're not going to get any closer than we did last time."

"The fuck we won't," I tell him.

"They would never expect our ass to hit them twice in one night."

"That whole area should be swarming with cops by now," Cutty shouts.

"Fuck them. I ain't worried about the fuckin' police," I yell back, heated.

"You need to be," Cutty shoots back. "We may have the captain in our back pocket, but that nigga don't do miracles. We need to scrap these rides and lie low."

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