I Don't Mind If Your Overrated!!??

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Chapter 12

5 day's later,we had to cancel our tour to get back to getting better since we was in a bad plane crash but this what really don't get me,why would the pilot fly a fucking plane drunk?And to be honest,I can't fucking believe that we was the only one's that survived it,maybe it was a sign or some!?Plus we been in the hospital for as long as I know so maybe guessing it was ever since the police had found us in the crash!

The only bad thing's that happened was that my left forearm was broken plus a few bruises,Joanna right arm and a few ribs was broken plus a few bruises,Robbie right leg and left arm was broken plus a few bruises,Ghost left leg and right forearm was broken plus a few bruises,Valeria back and right hand was broken plus a few bruises and Kill Joy whole left hand and right foot was broken plus a few bruises.

I'm just glad that we all survived and still alive cause if some of us didn't then it would've just been a horrible ass ride that I know none of us never ever wanted to go down that route and or in that direction,good thing we didn't!I wouldn't know how to take it and I know that some of us are still shaking up over it!!!!But hey look at the bright side,the doctor told some of us that we can go home next week but we have to stay in bed till we all get better,hopefully that will be within the next 6 month's!

Now let's jump back to Camille.....

2 week's later,I think it's a little funny how we was on vacation for 6 month's then come back to having to go right back on another 6 month vacation cause of the plane crash like damn......that means we don't get paid for this tour and our fan's don't get to see us,it's just sad and I hate that we was on that damn plane when it crashed,I think it would've just been best if we would have driven there or we could've took our tour buses but they both was in the shop!

While I was sitting in bed at home watching movies with Blaire,I started to think about Joanna like a psycho path and wondered if she was thinking about me so I called her......

Dials Joanna number......the phone starts to ring.....


Hey pal,how you feeling?

Eh,what about you?

A little better.

That's good,so did you call to check up on me or what lol,Joanna asks?

Yeah I call to check up on you and to tell you that I was thinking about you like a psycho path and wanted to know if you was thinking about me too!?

Awww that's so sweet and yeah I was thinking about you too!

How much,Camille asks?

Like insane!!



Do you want me and Blaire to come over and keep you and Johnnie company?

But your in pain?

I don't care,I want to see you!?

Yeah sure come on over.

Kk we on our way and we might stay over for a while!

Is everything alright?

Yeah of course,just want to spend a while over there with you.

K,just making sure everything is okay!?

Haha it is,so we'll see y'all soon!

I can't wait to see you!

Yeah me either and there's something I want to talk to you about that's real important to me!

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