chapter six

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Charmaine can't believe she was heading back to the same place she tried so disparately to get away from. But as she looked at Train once again drive like a madman from a chaotic scene full with gunshots and bloody men including a New York detective, she knew this was her fate.

Charmaine knew she would never be free from what had started that summer. She had been through hell and back and Devil missed his favorite girl to torture so she was going back.

Charmaine knew her college dreams would definitely have to be put on hold now. She couldn't go back there and after tonight, Charmaine didn't think she go anywhere. That college had been her last source of escape and Train grabbed her and was bringing her right back. This time she didn't put up much of a fight. This time she accepted it.

But she knew she didn't fight not going back because in her heart, she wanted to go back. That cop Thompson came all the way out there to tell her about her father. Sure, it wasn't about her real father, as she found out too late in life that her real father was a sick degenerate bastard that tried to get his son to raise his sister as his daughter. But the man that did raise her, brother or not, was the person that she cared about despite what he was into. Victor Davids may not have the perfect example of parenting, truth of the matter, he wasn't really meant to be but he did what he had to and that what's Charmaine still loved about him

Charmaine thought she had lost her father in that store fire first then she was told he was alive but she didn't know where. Now she was just told that Victor just committed suicide but left her a message. It was too much.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Charmaine questioned her insane driver that was gripping the steering wheel like the wrath of God was behind them.

"It's a lot," Train said not keeping his eyes off the road.

"What the cop was saying about my father?" Charmaine asked. "What is going on here? Why you didn't tell me about my father?"

"You mean..."Train thought she was talking about King for a second.

"Not that old degenerate bastard," Charmaine quickly stated. "I don't give a fuck about him. I'm talking about Victor Davids. What else are you holding out on? I need to know. You already ruined my life and now my future thanks to your little stunt in there. I'm in it all the way now so you mind as well start talking."

"I don't know where to start," Train said.

"Start from why the fuck are you here?" Charmaine was furious. "Why is there a cop laying in my dorm room in a pool of blood? Why is there a hitman after us? Why am I leaving school and heading back to Brooklyn?"

"So you can be safe," Train answered.

"Brooklyn is a lot of things. Safe was never one of them," Charmaine remarked.

"Whatever," Train dismissed. "For now, it's the only place that we can keep eyes on you."

"We?" Charmaine raised an eyebrow.

"I know you and Drama still got beef but..."Train said.

"But he's a kidnapper, a murdered, a bully, a pussy, a bastard," Charmaine snapped. "A flunky. Need I go on?"

"This is way bigger than us," Train said. "Way bigger,"

"I'm not paying it," Charmaine folded her arms. "And you still ain't told me shit."

"I'll explain when we get back to the city," Train informed.

"No, we're not doing this," Charmaine said. "This isn't one of those Bruce Willis movies when you come to my rescue and tell me to shut up about it. I want to know what the fuck is happening?"

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