Chapter twenty

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Train should have been dead a long time ago. He told himself that his whole life was just preparation for his death. He had installed that way of thinking ever since he was a little kid snatching Walkmans and headphones on the train to upgrading to snatching purses and chains to get money to hustle.

Train never was a huge believer in 'you rep what you sow' and Train knew he led his life dirty. But the way he saw it, at the end, he had all the fun he could have, he was ready to deal with the punishment.

Train never thought past today while Tamel was a planner. Train thought about how to eat that night while Tamel thought of how they can open restaurants so they can eat for years. That was always how the brothers connected since the first day they met.

Train had survived the prison system at a juvenile stage but Tamel knew how to run it. Train was always cool with being the muscle and the hustle and Tamel being the think tank. It worked. They wouldn't have gone as far as they did if Train ran the show.

As much as Train hated the circumstances that led Tamel into his life, he was happy that he had someone on his team that would steer him in the right path...of making money and being on top. Tamel had that way of thinking and that made them a power house.

Now Train was alone. Charmaine had killed the only person that meant the world to him. Train wanted her to do the same for him, end his life. Train was ready and now that he didn't have his running mate, it was time. But that stupid idiot got in the way.

The same fool that chased Charmaine and him from Atlanta back to New York, almost had him cornered several times, finally has the element of surprise and a clean shot. And what this bitch ass nigga does, he shots him in the body.

Train has been shot at and stabbed at more time than he could count. Train would have sworn bullets gave him strength because they never quite killed him.

In fact he started feeling like he was a zombie because no matter how many times he has been shot in the chest and body, he always came back from it. Train still had bullet fragments lounged in him from his earlier years of dodging gunshots and he was still ticking. Train swore he should have told Stan Lee to make a black superhero about him called 'Bulletproof Bishop'.

Train should have died a long time ago. But once again the Grim Reaper wasn't ready for him and he was still up breathing.

Now while Train wasn't a master of planning for the future, he was a master of planning for an attack. And he knew an attack was coming.

Monster had snuck in their secret hideout somehow but Train just assumed he had cased out the place before. Train knew Lady Gayle had some good resources. That's how she knew where they would be at or where they would go to. You don't become a successful top player in the game without knowing the ins and outs of the city you're supposed to be controlling.

Now while Monster may have come in alone, his goons wasn't too far away and by now he knew they heard those gunshots and were about to come in.

The neighborhood may not believe in calling the police but hearing enough gunshots, Train knew people would have to start dialing something. And Train knew right then and there was going to be a lot of gunshots heard.

Train didn't know if Charmaine truly got what he told her to do but he couldn't dwell on that now. He had to play his position in order for this to work as well.

Train really just wanted all this to end. He was tired. His brother was dead. The lady he was starting to have feelings for shot the only true person he ever loved all because of some master plan she had concocted in her head. Train was ready to just let her put a bullet in him too but she resigned which really pissed him off. But Train knew the reason why he was mad at Charmaine and it wasn't because she shot Tamel. It was because he had let her shot Tamel. He had left his guard down. Something he swore he would never do. The scar on his face was what happened the first time he did it. The death of his brother was the next result because he had to be reminded that being caught slipping was just that. You get caught, no escape, you have to let the shit play out because it was no longer in your hands. That was why Train wanted Charmaine to end his life too. He got caught slipping and he had paid the ultimate price and now he just wanted nothing more than to just end the whole charade.

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