Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I've written this story from pure bordem and the smell of winter. Hope you enjoy it, even though this may seem a little slow trust me there is alot coming in the third chapter ;)

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Winter entered the school grounds with the sun beating against her skin. Despite her major dislike of heat she did enjoy the sunshine. Her pale blue eyes gazed over the lard crowd of students that were swirling through the front gate of the school. Winter pulled her bag further onto her shoulder as she continued towards the front gates. Suddenly a strong breeze pushed her wavy brown hair forward. Winter found herself smiling. For many of the students in front and behind her, they would’ve thought it was an ordinary breeze. But she knew otherwise.

“Do you always have to rush here Leon?” her tone was teasing when she turned her head to face the person that was now walking beside her. Leon was tall and had a lean build. Strands of his dark brown hair fell into his matching eyes that danced with humour.

“Yep.” He replied with a smirk. Winter rolled her eyes and turned around to see the sea of heads. She then frowned as they entered the corridor of lockers.

“Where’s Sammy?”

Soon after saying the question a breathless voice shouted. “Damn you Leon!”

They stopped and turned around to see a small figure coming towards them. Sammy’s blonde locks bobbed up and down, her green eyes glaring at Leon who shrugged in response.

“You were really lagging.” He simply stated.

“Just because you have super speed doesn’t mean you have to leave me behind.” Sammy grumbled back.

Despite everything, Winter laughed. This happened every morning. Her two best friends always started the day off with a disagreement. But this disagreement happened more than once.

Winter crossed her arms and shook her head while chuckling. “Guys, try and not bite each other’s’ heads off just once.”

Leon narrowed his eyes mockingly and Sammy pouted making a disappointed noise before all three of them broke into laughter.

“Moring girly.” Sammy smiled and gave Winter a hug. Sammy’s arms were hot unlike Winter’s naturally cold skin. All three of them continued walking towards their lockers.

“Yeah, morning ice queen.” Leon said. Winter snorted and playfully smacked him on the arm. It was something Leon called her ever since they met. They continued to walk until they reached their locker and Leon separated from them to go to his locker at the far end. Winter and Sammy stood beside each other and both at the same time, dialled in their code into the lock. Sammy’s locker door flung near Winter’s face and out of habit she took a step back before returning to grab her books for today’s lessons.

Winter has known Sammy practically all her life. She has been there for her ever since elementary school. Winter found herself replaying the first day she met Sammy.

*Flash back*

Winter scrambled out of the car and fidgeted with her pig tails. The front sign of her elementary school bored down on her in large black letters. Her parents led her into the long echoing corridors before stopping in front of a classroom full of children. Her mother gave her a reassuring hug and her father ushered her in with a wave. The 5 year old Winter visibly gulped and was terrified numb. She hasn’t ever seen these kids before. Nevertheless she took her first few steps into the classroom that was filled with children her age. Winter stood very still at the doorway, her pale blue eyes wide and her head turned to look at all the new faces. She turned her back towards the children to face her parents and gave them a timid wave before seeing them turn and leaving her with these unknown kids. Her attention shifted from the silhouettes of parents to a curly blonde girl wearing a pink polka dot dress bounding her way.

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