Chapter 3

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The restaurant Bella Rosa just turned its lights on when Winter arrived. Several people were placing knives and forks down on the white tablecloths and shifting the elegant mahogany chairs into position around the restaurant. They were all wearing the same uniform as her, white button-up shirt and black skirt (black pants for the men) with a dark apron tied around their waist that pocketed a notebook and pen.

“Winter.” A woman in her mid-30’s called to her. Quickly Winter made her way through the row of tables to her. She also wore the same uniform as Winter but had a name badge which said, Caroline and underneath it Head waitress. Caroline didn’t make any effort in creating a conversational atmosphere but instead went straight to business.

“I would like you to take care of the new wine bottles in back. Make sure that they are placed at the bar; there were special orders for this one. Oh and touch up your makeup while you’re at it.” Winter gaze a curt nod and hurried to the back door. She entered into the air and the little light the sun gave nearly below the horizon. Winter made a turn into the storeroom that was just a few steps from the restaurant. She was just about to open the door when she heard a rustle from the bushes behind her.

Swiftly she looked behind her back and gazed intently at the bushes. A few seconds past and it didn’t move anymore. Giving it one more look she turned back and retrieved the wine bottle then began heading back to the restaurant. It’s probably a cat, she told herself. By now the restaurant was beginning to fill in as people gathered at their tables and began to chat among them. Gently, she placed the wine bottle on the bar table and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Winter tugged at her apron and entered into the rows of tables greeting the customers with a warm smile.

 She saw many familiar faces while moving from table to table. Dante and Paula Sarro sat at their usual table by the window. They were regulars at Bella Rosa. Every time Winter went over to their table, she would hear the elderly couple from Sicily talking in Italian and telling her about their home town. Mr Stanford, the local bookshop owner, sat reading a Moby Dick novel while twiddling with his coffee. But she couldn’t help feel as though someone was looking at her, tracking her every movement. Her eyes swept over a new customer sitting at the before empty table at the door. His eyes were fixed intently on her and he gestured for her to come and take an order. Straightening herself up, she walked over to the customer. As Winter got closer she could see the man more clearly. He seemed as though he was in his early 50’s yet his light brown hair was beginning to grey. He had a clean kept moustache and grey critical eyes. A finely carved walking stick rested against the table beside him. Judging by his ironed brown shirt and black tie he seemed like a respectable man.

Bonjour no, how are you this evening?”  She asked as she did to all the other customers.

“Quite fine thank you.” He replied in a clean clipped English accent. A weathered hand reached over to the menu and began flipping the pages. Winter looked closely at it and saw white dust covering it and she realised that only a scientist would have that type of dust so visible on his hand.

“What would you like this evening?” She quickly asked when she realised it looked like she was staring. Winter pulled out her notepad and posed her pen for writing. He seemed to frown at the menu before placing it gently on the table and clasping his hands.

“I’m a fan of cocktails you see, but it seems as though I’m not quite familiar with the names. Would you kindly recommend one for me?”

His gaze on her made Winter feel uncomfortable. It felt like she was an experiment that he was examining. Winter then pointed at the menu.

“Perhaps a Bellini? It is quite popular in this restaurant and most people enjoy it.” He considered it for a moment, placing a hand on his chin before agreeing. “A Bellini then.”

With a polite nod she headed over to the bar and placed the order on the bar table.

“You know, that man has been staring at you.” Mason, the barman spoke up. Winter kept looking at his working hands. Unlike the waiters Mason wore a black shirt with a white towel thrown over his shoulder.

“It’s not like that doesn’t happen to me all the time.” Winter joked. Mason shook his head.

“No, he’s been staring at you for the past half an hour. He didn’t order anything when Melissa asked him, he simply shook his head. But instead when you turned around he asked you to come.”

Winter wanted to look at the man but caught herself. That would be really rude, she thought to herself. “I’m sure it’s a coincidence.” Mason didn’t look satisfied with the answer but said nothing as he placed the drink onto the black serving plate. Winter took it without a word and walked over the mysterious man once more.

“Your Bellini cocktail sir.” She said while placing it in front of him.

He didn’t say anything at first but when she began walking Winter swore she heard him say.

“Thank you very much… Winter.”


“Bye.” Winter called out at the door before hearing the little bell ring as she stepped out onto the empty street. The moon shone brightly and the streetlights put yellow circles on the pavement. She kept looking back to see if anyone was following her. The shadows from the alley have made her edgy and it was like a shadow was following her. Winter could hear her footsteps echo along the near empty street besides the couple walking to their home. In the silence Winter jumped when her phone rang from her bag. Laughing at herself she quickly reached into her bag and flipped the screen.

“Hello, Winter speaking?” no one replied. Winter frowned and stopped at the bus stop.

“Hello, who’s there?” Still no one replied. She glanced at the phone screen and only saw UNKNOWN.

 “Okay this isn’t funn—” Winter cut short of her sentence when the end of the line began beeping. With a sigh Winter closed the phone and waved the bus to stop before hopping on and taking a seat near the window. She rested her head against the glass and turned to look out from the window. She nearly let out a yelp with she saw that very man with the cane standing where she once stood at the bus stop, watching her as the bus moved away. Winter froze. That man was never behind her… was he?


I know that was a really short chapter, but I thought a (sorta) cliffy would do well ;)

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