Chapter 5

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“Thanks for letting me stay here.” Winter sat on Sammy’s double bed, leaning on the many shaped pillows that inhabited the bed space. Sammy’s room was at least 2 times that size of Winter’s room and the cream coloured walls were filled with fashion posters, gymnastic photos and sketches of dresses. Sammy, who sat beside her hugging a teddy bear, grinned.

“Don’t worry about it. Mum and Dad would have said yes anyway.” Mr and Mrs Cole were one of the kindest people Winter has ever met. Every since Sammy introduced her parents to Winter, they have treated her like she was another family member. From assignments, sleepovers or just hanging out, the Cole’s didn’t mind at all as long as her father knew where she was. When Sammy called her parents to ask if she could stay at their house, they didn’t even hesitate to agree.

“So,” Sammy began while leaning against the wall of her bedroom “, what happened to make you leave?” It was a spur of the moment thing and Winter completely forgot to tell Sammy the reason for her stay at her house. So while gathering her thoughts Winter slowly told Sammy what happened, when she finished Sammy looked astonished and furious.

“He just took all the money you saved… and bought beer? How could he?!”

Winter sighed. “That’s what I asked myself too, but he didn’t take all of my money. I still have last night’s earnings.”

Sammy scoffed. “Still, I never thought he would do that,” then she shrugged. “Oh well, at least now I don’t have to call you for maths homework help.” And with that the tension in the air was broken with smiles and jokes. This feels like the old days, Winter thought to herself, when everything wasn’t messed up. When she didn’t have to bear so much responsibility.


Soon enough it was Thursday evening and the sound of Winter cutting vegetables was heard throughout Sammy’s house. The house was virtually empty. Sammy’s parents both being in the medical field meant that they were out at work for most of the day and would come back late in the night. As for Sammy, she had gymnastics to go to and had already bounded out of the house an hour ago. Winter hummed to herself as she poured the vegetables into the rest of her salad. She was glad she didn’t have any shifts today since she had been working the previous days of the week. But even then she was grateful about doing the work because it kept her mind off her dad. She grimaced at the thought of her dad. Winter hadn’t contacted him since and she wasn’t planning to though that didn’t stop her from worrying about how he was managing and if he’s eating. Winter didn’t know how long she was standing there thinking to herself until her phone rang. She jumped and nearly dropped her bowl before reaching her phone from the kitchen table and flipping it open.


“Good evening, Winter.” The voice was low. Something about the voice was familiar to her but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Who is this?” The voice from the phone tsked at her.

“Winter, you are asking the wrong questions. All I’m saying is… maybe you should pay your father a visit.” The voice paused for effect. “You don’t want him to end up like that officer do you?” Winter froze.


Before she could say another word the line got cut. Beep, beep, beep. Her head spun. You don’t want him to end up like that officer do you? He was referring to the dead officer in the alleyway.


Winter ran for the door, leaving her phone abandoned on the kitchen table.


No lights seemed through the curtains of her house, not even a sign that the TV was on. Winter wrapped her arms around herself as she approached closer to her house. The door knob flashed dimly from the street lamps. Her footsteps were soundless against the road. Her eyes flashed to everything around her, accessing every detail. Everything was silent… too silent.

“Dad?” her voice was quite at first but it still echoed through the empty street. Only the wind answered her.

“Dad.” Winter called out again, a bit louder than before. She abruptly stopped at the driveway when she heard a shuffle of leaves. Her head whipped around so fast that strands of her wavy hair flew onto her face, obscuring some of her vision. Winter’s pale eyes fell onto some trees that immediately stilled. After a few more seconds of silence she sighed. You’re overreacting, she scolded herself.

Suddenly a strong hand covered her mouth, pulling her backwards. Winter screamed but it was muffled by the hand. Her heartbeat pounded in her ear. She twisted and tugged but to no avail. Fear pulsed through her veins as she tried escape but everything was cut off when a hard object connected with the back of her head and she plummeted into the darkness.

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