Not A Stalker Anymore

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A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter ^_^ Also is it fine that I use Third person's POV? I think that's more comfortable but I'll change from time to time.. :)

Third Person's POV_

"Should we take the attendance now?" The music teacher, Jae's mom, smiled. "Ne/De!" Everyone said together. "Wait.. where is Jiwoo?" She asked looking around. "Ms. Ha Eun, I don't think she came today.." Someone said. "Really?!" The teacher, asked shocked. Jiwoo was someone who would never, like never skip a school day and even if she was sick she would come and the teachers would have to forcefully send her back after she watched Jae's performance.

"Yes, I think it was because yesterday she was under the rain for more than an hour and she fought with Jae.." Min, her friend, said worriedly. "We should visit her today.." She whispered to her friend. "Wait a second, I need to do something.." The teacher said going out.

Mom : **JAE! Hurry up and explain what you did yesterday!**

Jae : **What?? Mom I'm in class! How can you text me like this?!**

Mom : **I don't care! Tell me what happened to my daughter-in-law!**

Jae : **Who?!?**

Mom : **Jiwoo! You stupid!**

Jae : ** Seriously mom -_- And I don't care about her! I'm busy byee!**

"I swear- just wait until we go home!" She shouted into the phone. "Sorry guys, now let's take the attendance again.." She went into class and smiled.

"Oh! Jiwoo!" Someone shouted pointing at the door. Jiwoo went to her seat and sat down quietly. "I'm a bit late.. sorry.." She whispered with her soar throat. "No it's okay, then let's start!" Ha Eun smiled happily.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Let me see," Mrs. Park put her hand on Jiwoo's forehead to check her fever now that the class was finished. "Oh! You are burning! Let's go watch Jae perform and then I'll take you home." She said worriedly. "No, thanks but I don't wanna neither go home nor watch that guy's performance." She said madly but she politely removed Mrs. Park's hand from her forehead and stood up to go out.

"The go to the nurse and rest a bit!" She shouted as Jiwoo went out. 'I think I should.. I feel so dizzy..' Jiwoo thought as she turned around and went to the nurse's direction. 'Hmm what should we do today?' She smiled faking it. fooling herself was better than accepting the reality that she had nothing to do.

"Oh it's Jiwoo! Look I told you she would get sick.." Someone pointed at her and whispered to her friend. "Why isn't she all over Jae by now? Did she stop stalking?" Someone laughed. "Yeah didn't you know? Jae fought with her. I knew he hated her from the start." Now Jiwoo's hands turned into a fist, hardly controlling her emotions. 'I won't fight! I don't wanna fight! They aren't worth it!' She repeated it in her mind as she kept on walking. The more she wanted to control herself, the more she got dizzy and sick.

"Oh!" Someone held onto her when she was about to fall. Her eyes were closed and her hand was on her forehead to stop the dizziness. That person pulled her back up "Are you okay?" He asked which caused her to open her eyes wide open because the voice was awfully familiar. "You are burning!" He said touching her forehead.

He had one of his hands around his waist and one touching his forehead which made Jiwoo burn up! She was blushing so madly but that didn't show, thanks to the cold! However, just in the matter of a second all the blush went away and she remembered every word he said yesterday.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU JERK!" She screamed pushing his hand away. "H-Hey wait!" He grabbed her arm when she started walking away. "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE! IF YOU TOUCH ME ONE MORE TIME I WONT STAY STILL!" She jerked her arm away and went away just after giving him the most hateful look she has ever had on her face.

"Wow man, what happened to you both?" Sungjin asked him. "I don't know and don't care, she lost her mind I guess.. I was just gonna help!" Jae shrugged walking away with an mixed emotion. "I guess it's good that she hates you know. She won't stalk anymore." He said patting Jae's back. The word 'hate' made him flinch but he nodded at Sungjin. "It's good I guess.. Let's go!" He put his hand around him and they both walked away happily, but, Jae still had this strange feeling inside him that he couldn't quite catch what it was.. Pity? Sadness? Madness? What was it exactly?

Jiwoo's POV_

Let's forget him now. The past is in the past. I'll just start all new with no more boys in it. I was the stupid one to go all following him and making all of them think I was some crazy stalker. He wasn't even worth my time! From this moment on I don't know him and I will show everyone how I am also someone who has a dream and a mind that works properly. I'll show them my true self that non of them have ever seen. Let's start with the most easy one, change my appearance into what I have always wanted to be but never had the time because of a worthless jerk.

Jiwoo : **Hey Min, come over to my house today with Yubin. I need your help on something. Thanks<3**

Min : **Okay! We were planing to anyway :P**

I close my phone after texting and go to the nurse to rest before my classes start again.

*At Jiwoo's House*

  "Welcome in!~" Jiwoo said as she opened the door for her friends. "Hi~" both of her friends entered. "Hello Mrs. Kwon!~" they both bowed when they saw her mom sitting on the couch doing some work. "Oh, hi Min! hi Yubin!" She looked up at them, flashing a wide smile and then went back to her work. "Omma, We'll be up.." Jiwoo said as she took her friends up. Her mom nodded and smiled one last time at the girls.

"Okay so what do you need from us?" Min asked as she sat on her big sized bed. Jiwoo smiled, before they came she practiced so much about how to tell them. She thought 'I will tell them I wanna change and they will be amazed and I will look cool'

" I wanna change myself. I don't wanna be Jiwoo anymore." She said proudly. "What? You wanna change your name? Why?" Yubin asked. "There goes my being cool plan into the trash.." Jiwoo rolled her eyes. "No stupid," Min poked Yubin's head "She wants to be like us, a girl." Min looked at Jiwoo proudly. "Wait what? Omg!" Yubin gasped. "What? What happened?" Jiwoo looked at her worriedly. "So you are not a female? Have you lied to us all this time?!"

"Oh god my head!"

"Is she serious?!"

  They both face palmed and rolled their eyes. How can someone be this stupid? How do they even survive in this world? "NO!" They both shouted at her. "O-Okay.. sorry.." Yubin looked at them scared. Min calmed down a bit "She wants to change herself. In fashion, attitude, and makeup wise. My smart friend."

"Awww... you should've said that earlier!" Yubin laughed. "We did..." They both sighed. "ANYWAY," Jiwoo waved her arms in the air dramatically "that isn't the case, now help me please?" She smiled sheeply. "Okay I'll be helping you with clothes and attitude while Yubin will take make up." Min stood up going to her wardrobe. Yubin nodded and went to find some makeup.

"I think we need to go shop for some clothes," Min said as she went through the wardrobe and found nothing decent other than a flower dress & one short skirt with a crop top which she was sure those were the gifts they got her. "Same with makeup, she only has a mascara and a blush! Nothing else!" Yubin said shocked. "Woah woah! I have enough clothes and makeup! No shopping!" Jiwoo looked at them confused.

"Enough? Oh honey you have nothing. I don't want any excuses because you asked for help and this is help! Now let's go!" Min pointed at all the mess she made and sure thing she was determined to turn this Jiwoo of a mess into a beautiful swan.

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