Chapter 1 The Wakening

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I wait, silently, for lily to return to the cottage. I sit in the garden with Asa, watching the clouds pass. Too many thoughts to think, too many thoughts to care. The cherry blossom tree sways like a lonely swing in an abandoned playground. The flowers in bloom, creating pink confetti around the garden. Asa sits, closing his eyes and facing the sun. The light shimmers on his pale soft cheeks. He looks young, considering he's nine. I hear footsteps behind me. Two icy hands lay on my shoulders. I turn around to see Lily staring at me. "Hey Lu" She says smiling slowly. Asa wakes up as soon as Lily starts to speak and runs over to hug her. She spins him round like an aeroplane before lowering him onto the soft green grass. "What did Autumn say?" I ask worried but still faithful. "She said your ready to start". My eyes sparkle like stars as soon as the words sink in. I've never been to school. What if the other girls hate me? What if I get embarrassed? My expression shows and Lily picks up on it. "Excited?" She says smiling. I am really excited but I'm not a very social person. "Uh, yeah... Very!". Lily looks at me and laughs. Don't be worried about it. I only didn't like school because I wasn't as clever as you!!! "Haha I always knew you were stupid" I said grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Hey!" Lily shouts nudging me in the side.

"Hey lets go to the meadow!!" shouts Asa bouncing up and down like a young kangaroo. "Good idea! Lets bring a pic-nic!" Lily suggests while shaking her hands towards the apple tree. "YAY! Meadow, Apples, Sisters, Fun!! Meadow, Apples, Sisters, Fun!!". Asa repeats himself while running around the blossom tree faster and faster. "Okay I'll get the sandwiches! Lily get the fruit and Asa get the Chocolate." "Yummmmmmy!" He shouts already racing himself to the sweets cupboard inside. We set off for the meadow at noon, chasing butterflies and skipping through tulips. We sit down in a nice spot under a willow tree and lay out the blanket that has always stayed at the bottom of the pic-nic basket. I share out the food and we happily munch away under the big tree. Were about to pack up our leftovers when the sky cracks and roars. Two big black clouds seem to run through the sky. The sky goes grey and we see planes fly above us, shadowing the tree and all its branches. "Oh No. No. This can't happen, It can't! Run! Asa, Lucy RUN!!"Lily shouts gripping us by the wrists and sprinting towards the place we call 'home'. How did Lily know what was happening? Has it happened before? Asa cries from the pain his legs are in. Lily picks him up and places him on her sholders. She's strong for a girl of 16. We race the black planes until we reach our front gate. Lily grabs Asa and places him on the floor. He runs inside, he knows we leave the door open until 8:00. Lily screams at me telling me to get inside while she locks the gate. My heart leaps and so do my feet as i jump towards the door, Lily following even faster than I am. We all manage to get inside and Lily locks the door and the back door as well.

We sit silently in the kitchen. I watch Lily as she sits with her head down, a single, salty tear slides down her face and drops onto the kitchen counter. That's the first time I've seen her cry. She's still brave in my eyes.

We hear our front door smash and a group of men start to search the house. Lily puts me and Asa in a small cupboard under the sink and tells us not to leave, stay strong. She kisses my cheek and winks to Asa. We peak through the crack and watch them leave with Lily tied wrist to wrist. I hold mine and Asa's mouth closed until I hear them leave. I loosen my grip on Asa. "Lily?" He says quietly hoping Lily's soft voice will reply. But all to be heard was the sound of the howling wind. Where's Lily? What do they want her for?

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