Chapter 4 xx

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Hey! Here is the update (: x

Vote if you like, Comment and let me know what you think and fan please!

Love yah all (: xx



I walk into school, my head facing the cold tile floor. I try to avoid everyone but almost everyone I pass greets me. One thing about being popular, everyone greets you whenever they see you which to be honest can get kinda annoying, especially when you really don't feel like talking to anyone. I'm not part of the popular group at school but I still call myself popular. I mean I have lots of friends and I am well known around school in my view that's popular. I walk over to where my group normally hangs out and to no surprise I see Tyler waiting. No one else which is strange. Normally Aimee and Scarlett would be here but they aren't. Tyler sees me and he makes eye contact with me as do I but when he sees me staring at him he changes his stare to face the others around him. I see Ashlyn making her way to Tyler and I immediately turn in the opposite direction. I couldn't stand listening to her shit this morning. "Oh hi" a voice says before I look up and I notice I have run into someone. Shylah to be precise. She may be one of the unpopular people in school and maybe the type i wouldn't hang out with but I decide to reply as really I could do with a friend right now. "Hey, how's it going?" I ask kindly as I take my phone out of my pocket. 5 missed calls...Tyler. I ignore them and shove my phone back in the pocket of my jacket. "Umm good thanks, how about you?" She replies. "I'm alright I guess". She looks at me confused. I shrug. "Is something wrong?" She questions. I shake my head. I hate lying but I can't exactly tell her what is really wrong. I mean I hardly know the girl. I might have talked to her a couple of times but most of the time she wasn't one of the main people in my life. "What do you have first?" She asks with a smile. "I have history first, I think" I reply before searching my bag for my screwed up timetable. I nod. "Me too, I think we have it together" she adds as she peers over my shoulder to look at my timetable. I smile at her and she opens her bag to offer me a piece of gum. I take it out of her hand and unwrap it. "Thanks" I whisper as I throw the empty wrapper in the nearest bin. I felt like I was getting somewhere with her. I felt like we could be friends. Good friends, if I was lucky.

I turn around when I hear my name called. I recognise the voice. It's Scarlett of course. Right, she doesn't know about me and Tyler and the whole fighting business. I look around to find Scarlett waving horrendously at me. I smile and make my way towards her with Shylah by my side. I stop when I realise Tyler. Tyler and...I can't even say her name. Ashlyn. Tyler's arm is around her waist and her head rested on his shoulder. I suddenly pick up my pace and run towards them. "What are you doing to my boyfriend" I scream pulling Tyler away from her. She stares at me like someone's just died. "Don't act like you want him back" she replies. "Excuse me" I say. What the hell is she talking about? Don't act like you want him back. What does she know that I don't? "Well you and Tyler broke up so I thought oh yay here's my chance to get the guy I have wanted for god knows how long while he has been twisted around your little finger". I stare at Tyler wide eyed. Do I serious believe what she just said? To be honest I don't know what to think. "Look babe..." Tyler starts as he reaches for my hand. "Don't babe me and get your hands away from me, shouldn't you be offering them to someone else, were done" I scream before running down the corridor and into the bathroom. I break into tears as Shylah wraps her arm around my shoulder. I cry on her shoulder and she whispers in my ear "Its going to be okay, I promise". I try to smile for her sake. Shylah may be just the person I need right now. She could be and may become a good friend.

I try to act happy for Shylah's sake but really on the inside I'm feeling like I've been used. I mean who said we had broken up. Did he just suspect that? Well I never said that I was breaking up with him or anything along those lines and from what i remember about our last conversation, I don't recall anything like that coming from him. The part I don't get is why on earth would he say anything like that to her. Ashlyn is you don't know who I mean. Seriously who would trust that little bitch. There is no way I would ever no matter what trust her. She's like the biggest blabber mouth in the entire student body. I just don't get him. This is not the Tyler I know and this is not the Tyler I like.

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