Chapter 6 xx

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Heyyyya, Here's the next chapter... It's been ageees (sorry!) but finally it's up (:

Hope you enjoy <3

Please give me some comments with constructive criticism and let me know what you think. I never really get any comments but honestly when I do get comments it seriously makes my day! So if you wanna make my day please comment and vote if you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you (;

Much love beautifuls x

Update as soon as I have some more time (;

Not edited so excuse the mistakes... Sorryy

<3 ~bfftayxx~


There's a painful feeling in my gut as I pass a few friends on the way into school. Well so called friends. I don't really hang out with them but I talk to them and see them around school often. They smile as I walk past but when I turn away I see in the corner of my eye a smirk appear on their faces. It's a horrible feeling to know that everyone in the school knows your story. It's amazing how fast gossip travels, especially in this school. I feel bad but then I think is there really a point in feeling bad? In my view I didn't do anything wrong. One thing that I knew, one thing my boyfriend didn't. What's the big deal? I tell him everything else but this was hard for me and I needed to be sure of a few things before I even thought of telling anyone. I wasn't even supposed to tell a soul but maybe when it got to the time I might have to. I would need someone to talk to and someone to tell me that I was thinking straight and that I wasn't crazy. But that is later on in the story. Lets think about this day. Right now is not the time to tell anyone. When I found Tyler that night it was certainly not the right time or place to tell him. He probably would've thought I was crazy. I was a wreck and to tell him, that would have to wait. But now look at it... My life is ruined. Over one stupid thing. I just don't get it.

I walk into the cafeteria and to a surprise Tyler is waiting in the spot that we always used to wait in. He walks over to me. Seriously, not this again. "Elle I want, no Elle I need you back" he says taking hold of my hand. I hesitate but don't pull away. "Sorry you want me back, did I hear that right?" I ask sarcastically. He nods. "Yes Elle I need you, life just isn't the same without you". His hand is still intertwined with mine as we stand in front of each other. "You want me back, you prove it but if I see you with Ashlyn boy I'm saying it nothing is happening" I peck a kiss on his cheek and with enough said walk away to find Shylah waiting less than twenty metres away. She smiles and for the first time in a while I don't just smile but I laugh as I wrap my arms around Shylah. My best friend, my very best friend.

We followed Tyler around as much as we could at school and he never noticed. He didn't once see Ashlyn. They passed each other and all I saw was a scowl as she passed him. He must have given her the talk. 'We're over and that's where we will stay'. He's very straight forward but you don't want to mess with him when he's angry. Hopefully there is nothing going on with him and Ashlyn and maybe just maybe I will have the guts to give him another chance.

"Just shut up okay, I'm trying my best" mum yells from the kitchen at dad who lies stretched out on the couch in the lounge. "Whatever just do what you want" he yells back. "Yes I will, piss off and leave me alone" mum screams before I run upstairs to my bedroom. I burst into tears as my head hits my pillow and tears pour out my eyes. Everything just happens at once. Tyler. Aunt Renna. Now this. I hate when mum and dad fight. I hate seeing them unhappy. Then I feel like crap and I feel unhappy. I just wish it would all stop. I wish I could curl into a ball in the corner of a room and forget everything that ever happened and start life again. Then again a lot of good things have come out of my life.

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