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I woke up locked between someone's arms and my head on someone's chest. I was confused till I looked up and saw Luke me handsome beautiful sexy amaz... 'WOW wow, wow, Riley you don't Evan know this boy he saved your life yh but you still don't know him' I thought to myself 'you like him' no I don't' 'yes you do' 'no' 'yes' 'NO!' 'You don't like him...' 'Thank you told you I don't' 'you loooovveee him' 'no no no shut up!' You just told your self to shut up well done Mia well done' 'GRRR just go away I don't love Luke ... Or do I ... Now look what I done to myself I can't stop thinking about it now thanks' 'your welcome stop talking to yourself now'

"Riley?" Jai asked walking into the room

"Yh jai what do you want I'm sleepy" I moaned closing my eyes and putting my face into Luke's warm chest

"Can you pleasssse come cook for me and beau mum left and didt leave us food and well me and beau can't cook unless you want us to burn the house done then go back to sleep" he said about to walk out the room knowing I would come running down "oh and by the way you have about 5 seconds before beau starts cooking and you don't wanna know what happens when he try's to cook" with in about 2 seconds I was up and put on someone's shorts then ran out the room but sadly fell down the last few steps landing on me ass with a loud THUMP and a scream for me as I fell

"I fell down the stairs and broke my ass !" I shouted for everyone to hear and they did I know that because I hard people laughing but it was more then just beau and jai there was about 2 other boys laughing there heads off

"Riley can you cook now that you have made the best first impression ever" beau said walking towards me still laughing as he picked me up and put me on the table. Beau touched me no no no he can't touch me he will hurt me but i didn't move I just froze and let a few tears come down my face

"Beau why is she crying and why dose she look like your going to kill her?" A boy asked who I didn't know at all but he was cute but also very scary looking

"Oh shit Riley I'm so sorry I forgot her look I put you on the chair I'm sorry Riley I forgot please forgive me, don't be scared in sorry I didn't mean to, jai I scared here I didn't mean to I forgot she crying what do I do?" Beau shouted as tears come down my cheeks and I stared to shake

"Beau what the fuck did you do?" Jai asked worried and angry at the same time

"I kinda picked her up then skip told me she was crying then I remembered I didn't mean to and now she is crying and I don't know what to do she don't wanna be touched only Luke and mum can no one else" beau said walking around the kitchen. So the cute scary dude is skip

"I will go get Luke" jai said running off upstairs and with in seconds Luke was running over and picking me up taking me to the sofa in the living room

"Riley it's okay you don't need to be scared beau just forgot but you know he won't hurt you it is going to be okay princess, I'm here and I got you" Luke said while stroking my hair and holding me as I sat on his lap crying into his bare chest. I stared to slow my breathing and stop crying but I was still scared and hugging onto him "Riley are you okay now?" Luke asked softly and I just nodded

"Luke?" I asked as I looked at him with I small smile on my lips

"Yh babe" he he looked me in the eye

I smiled I bit more "I fell down the stairs and I think I broke my ass" I told him trying not to laugh as everyone in the room burst out laughing at me

"Are you-hahahaaaa- okay" Luke asked between laugh's and I nod. Once everyone stopped laughing at me they just looked at me like I killed someone

"I'm skip and this is james" skip said I looked at james he was okay but they still wasn't going to touch me "if I may ask what was all that about first you fell down the stairs then beau get you up and you start crying and the boys saying you won't let no one touch you part from Luke and gina, why" skip asked and I looked at Luke and he nodded so I told Them everything ... I mean everything and they just looked at me not saying anything just looking at me so I got back on to Luke's lap and held his hand coz they where scaring me

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