Me + luke..

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Luke kissed me and I kissed back. He wrapped his arms round my waste pulling me closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck he liked my bottom lip for entrance and I let him in we were exploring each others mouths it was pure passion care and love and to tell the truth my first kiss well if you don't count my dad making me kiss him then yh Luke is my first kiss and we would of carried on if we wasn't interrupted


"Awww say hello to the Internet you 2 love birds"Waite the Internet? What? Me and Luke broke away and let go of each other when we both saw both holding up the camera to us and oh grate it's recording

"Beau I'm going to kill you!" Luke screamed running after his older brother as he passed the camera to james.

I was just standing there like a lemon looking at my converses while james and jai where laughing at beau and Luke fighting. I finally looked up but wish that I didn't coz I saw standing there looking at me from his car ... My father he stared to slowly walk over not leaving eye contacted

"Hay Riley you okay" skip asked me but I couldn't do anything just star at my father as he walks over to me "Luke something is wrong with Riley like really wrong she's crying but not moving one saying anything help her and leave beau alone" skip said leaving me there as my father walked to me Luke and beau where still fighting but slowly stopping

"So how has my baby girl been huh after running away from her daddy huh maybe you should come home and see what you get you whore" my father said standing right in front of me. The next thing I know is a fist hit me in the jaw coursing me to fall to the fall as he kicked me harder and harder

"AHH LUKE HELP PLEACE!!" I screamed out as my father kicked me over and over harder and harder

"RILEY!!" I heard all the boys shout and the next thing I know is my father Luke and skip are on the floor beating each other beau is picking me up and carrying me to a wall to sit on well for him to sit and hold me as I cried into him holding him as close as possible while jai just stands there not knowing what to do and james calls the police and ambulance

"Shhh I know you don't want me to touch you but Luke is busy beating the crap out of that man with skip, who is that man?" Beau asked

"M-my fa-father" I whispered crying more if that's Evan possible

"OMG Riley it's okay he is gone now you never have to see him again you have me and the boys to look after you, I don't think Luke will ever leave your side again, he really likes you Riley that why he kissed you and I know this is the worst time to tell you but I think he loves you Riley" omg did beau just say that Luke loves me coz if he did I need to tell him that I love Luke to but won't that just be weird but then again he is like my big brother

"Ermm Riley you just said all that out loud sweetie and the ambulance is here now there going to take you to the hospital okay?" Jai said and I just nodded as beau passed me to jai and I done a death grip on his top I think it's Luke's coz it smells of Luke not jai

"Riley you need to let go of e top sweetie" jai said but I just looked at him

"I don't wanna go hospital Im scared" I told jai as he toke his top off and put me on the bed in the ambiance "where's Luke I want Luke" I cried to anyone who was near me

"Who is Luke we need him in here if she want him we can't let her up get stressed out so go get mp him now" a lady said

"Riley I'm here princess I'm not leaving you don't worry" Luke said as he held my hand

"Oh my god Luke your lip and your eye that happened coz of me" I told him with tears in my eyes

"Riley it's not your fault it's your fathers but its okay everything is going to be okay the hospital is going to fix us all up then we can go home okay princess?" But all I could do was node

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