Almost dead part 1...

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LUKES POV***** (I know existing!!!)

After Riley walked off with Ariana I herd her shouting for Riley to open the door as I stood up Riley ran passed me running out the door. I was shocked at first not knowing what to do then I ran after her with the boys right behind me shouting her mane we chased her for about 30 minuets-god she can run- then we lost her and I was panicking well till beau punched me in the face coz I wouldn't listen to anyone. I was in shock and a bit of pain I just looked at him madder then I have ever been and punched him back in the jaw I think I herd a crack then he fell to the floor in pain holding his jaw

"LUKE!!" Ariana shouted helping beau with his jaw a few tears fell from his eyes. Oops didn't mean to do that. "Luke you broke your brothers jaw" she said looking at me I went wide eyes for a moment then punched the wall but I didn't stop I was letting all my anger out on the poor wall

"Luke stop your going to hurt yourself" skip said but I didn't care so I carried on "Luke do me jai james have to hold you down again like last time you done something like this?" He asked but I carried on and if possible I was punching the wall 10 times harder now making my hands bleed "fine you leave us now chose. Boy help me hold him down" and the next thing I know 3 boys where holding me down so I couldn't move

"LET ME GO NOW!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs

"Not till you calm down. We can't look for Riley till you calm down" skip said sitting on my chest and holding my hands back above my head

"I NEED TO FIND HER NOW!!" I shouted again

"Chill bro. Then we can look for her" he said again. Fine it seems the only way I'm going to get to look for my broken princess. I slowed my breathing and closed my eyes relaxing my body "good boy. Boys you can get off now" and they where off me in seconds I opened my eyes and looked at the dark midnight sky wondering where my broken princess is and why she ran off so fast. I got up off the floor and starting walking off really fast

"Luke Waite up cunt we need to go off in twos or something" jai said stopping me I walked over to skip and dragged him with me. Me and skip our really close friends and always have been.

We didn't speak we both new where we wanted to go we where going to the bad side off town where the druggies live seeming as they are most likely to of taken her.

"Bro we need to be careful round here" skip said walking next to me

"I know but we need to find her" I said as tears come to my eyes

"Bro if your going to cry let it out now before we find some unwanted people or we run back into the boys and they make fun out of you and make you go on a mad one" he said pulling me to a tree, he new that when I cry I always end up punching something "go on go ahead I give you permission to punch the living shit out of the tree" he huffed out

Tears left my eyes as I was thinking off her. I looked at skip and he gave me a sad look. I turned to the tree and just lashed out on the poor poor tree after about 10 minuets I chilled down and sat on the floor looking down breathing heavily as the tears stopped

"You chilled now bro?" Skip asked looking down at my knuckles covered in blood. I was really hot and needed to get the blood off my hands so I took my top off and stood up whipping the blood of my hands and nodding walking off we was silent and I herd a pleading scream I stopped dead in my track as did skip I head a loud bang and a guy shouting hid head off them I heard the girl scream again but this time she screamed for me she screamed my name she screamed for me to help her but she stopped as I herd more banging and shouting I looked where it was all coming from. Number 264. I knew Riley was in there and I was getting her back.

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