Wake Up!

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*****Clint's point of view*****

I was determined to find Rogers. I was determined to find him and make him feel the pain Nat was feeling. She should never have to feel that way about herself. He deserved to feel exactly what she was feeling.

I walked down the stairs and into the main living area. I look around and all I see is Tony ripping open a bag of chips and Bruce sitting on the couch skipping though channels on the TV. I walk over to Bruce and stand right in front of him blocking his view of what he was watching.

"Hey! Can't you see I'm trying watch something!" he said kind of pissed off.

I looked behind me, then turned back around and said in a demanding tone, "Where's Rogers?" I knew he could tell something was wrong.

'Why....?" He said a little scared to hear the answer.

"Tell me where the hell he is, because I know you know." I yelled at him.

"Calm down Clint," he said trying to calm me down.

"No... Not until you tell me where..." I said getting cut off by a voice that sounded like he had food in his mouth. I looked up and noticed that I was now face to face with Tony Stark.

"Wow, now you need to calm down," he said while swallowing his food, "He just went on a quick mission. He should be back any minute."

"A mission? He just got back from a mission!" I said filling with even more anger.

Bruce answered instead of Tony, "Yes... now what's the big deal, did he do something?" 

I looked back down looking right at Bruce and said, "You can say that." I didn't want to give away what really happened so I just walked away but before I could look back up and walk out. Someone was standing in my way, someone that came in at the wrong time. Well at least for him. 

"Steve," I growled.   

*****10 minutes before Steve walked in*****

*****Maria's point of view*****

As soon as I heard the line drop, I started freaking out. I grabbed my coat and ran out of my room at S.H.E.I.L.D. I tried calling Natasha over and over again but no one would answer. I was half way there when I heard my phone ring.

"Nat!" I yelled into the phone.

"Uh no," a man's voice said to me on the other line. As soon as I heard his voice I knew exactly who it was.

"Fury, listen, I know I just ran off and I know this could get me fried, but I have to do something important." I stopped for a minute but then continued, "Excuse my following actions for what I'm about to do."

"Continue." he said.

"Here I go," I thought to myself. Then I hung up. I looked at the phone, then set it down and look backed up at the road. All I could think about was Natasha, so I didn't care if it got me fired. Natasha is way more important than a stupid job.

As soon as I got to the avengers tower, I ran to the elevator and clicked the button to her room and waited. It felt like it'd been hours until I finally reached her floor. I first decided to just knock to see if maybe she was alright and would answer the door, but sure enough no one answered and I became very frightened so I got out my gun and shot open the door.

*****Natasha's point of view*****

Everything was a blur, I tried opening my eyes but my eyelids wouldn't budge. I tried talking but my mouth was to dry. I tried to listen but all I could hear were voices, voices chanting my namem "Natasha, Natasha". I tried my hardest to wake myself up,  "wake up" I said to myself, "wake up, WAKE UP!"

*****Maria's point of view*****

When the door opened I ran in and as soon as I turned the corner I saw her, she was laying on the floor unconscious. I kneeled down next to her to try to wake her.

"Nat, Nat wake up, do you hear me wake up, WAKE UP!" I yelled at her. I was about to get up and look for help when I heard a noise.

"Ughh," Natasha groaned. I looked down and saw her open her eyes.

*****Natasha's point of view*****

After repeating the words "wake up" over and over again in my head it eventually brought me back to life. I opened my eyes and saw some lady with brown hair looking down on me. At first I didn't recognize who at was until I sat up.

"Maria!" I said, my voice cracking a little.

"Oh my god Nat, are you ok?" she asked. I looked up at her and immediately could tell she had tears in her eyes.

"Were you crying?" I asked concerned.

"Oh," she said as she took her hand up to her face to see if she actually was, "I guess so," she said while more tears rolled down her face.

"Don't cry... I'm fine," I said trying to comfort her.

"No you're not!" she yelled. I looked at the ground and then back up at her as she continued, "Natasha you passed out, you left me hanging on that phone call... you were crying. Tasha you never cry, unless it's something so terrible that you might as well be dead."

I looked down at the ground and took a deep breath. "Remember that mission me and Steve went on? The mission we actually just got back from the other day?" I stopped for a second and took another deep breath, "Well something happened on that trip, something that I can't take back. We uh, we had a fight, a stupid fight actually, a fight that doesn't even matter, because he never even said anything back."

"What do you meam?" she asked confused.

"I think I'm... I'm uh... I think I'm pregnant." I said softly.


Im so sorry for not updating in like over a mouth but i have been very busy with school work and practice and sometimes I'm just forgetting, but i promise i will update at least once every 2 weeks. Well i hope you enjoyed this chapter, till next time.

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