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It was four in the morning when we crammed into the van to start our journey. Derek volunteered to drive first and I happy because I needed a few more hours of sleep.

Chase layed down in the last row of the van and pulled the blanket and over him. The air was pretty chilly this morning. I climbed into second row of the van and sat in silence as Ryan and Derek decided on where to go first and where to start. Their discussion ended rather quickly, they had decided on going to a bar next to a record store in Pittsburgh. That's about two hours away, long enough away to get out of the grip of our parents and the police hopefully.

I tied my hair up in a pony tail to keep it clean and out of my face while I slept. The road was super bumpy and I had trouble sleeping. The sun was starting to rise just as we made it to the bridge into the heart of Pittsburgh. Ryan had called the owner of the bar early and after the guy yelling at him for waking him up at five in the morning told us we could play and was allowing us to park our trailer and van between a small hotel and his bar.

I took my box of money out from under the seat and took about five hundred dollars out for the hotel rooms, well, I would have $9,500 left afterwards. I walked into the lobby and yawned. I walked up to the desk and asked the lady for two rooms for one night.

"That'll be $250 please." She smiled at me as I handed her a fifty and two one hundreds. I yawned and she handed me two key cards.

"We have free breakfast and free room service, and If you need anything just let the staff know and we'd be glad to help you."

I couldn't help but smile at her niceness. "Thank you!" I walked back to the trailer and unlocked it. I grabbed our bags with clothes in it -four stupid heavy bags- and lugged them out of it.

"A little help here Derek?" I asked while struggling.

"Oh sorry May!" He said hurrying to help me.

"It's okay, I just needed some help." He grabbed two of the bags and took them inside, I trailed behind and pulled out the room keys.

250 and 251

"Go to the elevator, we have to go to the second floor." He nodded and went over and pressed the up button. The elevator dinged and we loaded our crap in and up we went to the second floor. The doors opened and we walked out into the hallway.

"Uh... That's 245 and that's 246 on its left so go left." We walked down the hallway and stopped at 250 and 251.

"Your room is 251, mine is 250. So either Ryan sleeps with you or me or Chase sleeps with you or me. Decide now."

"I'll sleep with Ryan."

"Ok, here's your key card. Do not lose this." I said firmly.

"I won't geez." I laughed a little and opened the door to the room. I dropped my bag on the floor next to the bed and put the key card in my pocket. I left some of the extra money I took out of my box and put it on the dresser with my phone. I picked up a fifty and put it in my pocket along with my phone.

I walked back out to the hallway and down to the lobby and made my way back to the van where Ryan and Chase were sleeping. It was like 10 in the morning and we could still get free breakfast but that was the last thing on my mind at the moment.

I slid open the van door and yelled into it. "Wakey wakey guys!" Their heads shot up to look at me. I smirked and tried to old back my laughter.

"Goddamn it May, why to you always have to ruin the beauty of sleep?" Chase asked.

"Because it's hilarious to see you jump awake like you're about to miss the bus to school."

"Haha, very funny." They climbed out if the van and closed the door. Ryan hit the lock button on the keys.

"So you guys want to walk down to the record store and look around?"

"Yeah, it's the least you could do after disrupting the peace of people sleeping." Ryan scoffed at me.

"Well I'm sorry that Derek and I did all the work while you two slept." I scoffed back.

"Speaking of Derek, where is he?" Chase asked.

"He went to his room and fell asleep on the bed instantly since he stayed awake all morning to drive us here and wouldn't let anyone else take the shift."

"Well, he deserves it."

"Yeah he does." I said back.

I had my All Time Low shirt on with blue skinnies and my black combat boots. Plus, my hair was still in a crappy pony tail so my black hair hung slightly sloppily in my face. I used the sleeve of my black hoodie to brush it back up over my ear.

"Nice earrings May, I didn't notice them until now."

"Thanks, their the marching solider from the Black Parade and the guns."

"I like them. Ever thought about getting gauges?"

"Nah, I'd rather not ruin my ears."

"Well you did get that tattoo and it's super sweet."

I blushed a little and turned away from him as we walked down the street. He put his arm around my neck and whispered in my ear. "You don't need to be embarrassed around me May."

That made me blush even more. I put a sleeve covered hand over my mouth and leaned into him as we walked.

"Is that the record store?" Ryan asked.

"Yep that's it." I said in amazement.

Chase - being the gentleman he is - opened the door for Ryan and I as we trotted in.

"Hey there guys, how are you this fine morning."

"We're good, just came to look around a little. Maybe get a record or two." I smiled.

"Well, we got plenty. Hey arn't you guys Fatally Ours? My buddy saw you guys play at a bar band night. He said you guys were good, great really."

"Yeah we are, well 3/4 anyways, our drummer is sleeping right now."

"By all means chose any record, on the house for you guys."

"You don't have too."

"No, really. Please, I love to see bands like you guys go from nothing to everything. Reminds me of My Chem."

I laughed and shook my head. "Yep, just some van kids. But this time were from Pennsylvania instead of New Jersey."

"Make our state proud then, oh and if you need anything my name is Adam, just yell and I'd be happy to help you."

"Thanks Adam, I'm May by the way."

"Nice to meet you may." Adam said smiling at me.

I smiled back and wondered into the Rock section of the store. This is where I should find some of the records I like.

Let the fun and games of record hunting begin!

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