18. Rage and Grace

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I put my phone in my pocket and sighed.
"What's wrong, beautiful?"
Jack asked, walking over to me and looking at my (E/C) eyes.
"It's nothing, just Amber's on her way back. She quit her job in the military."
Sean gasped and facepalmed.
"Why the hell would she do that?!? She's Amber Tiana Carlton, the strongest girl I know!!!"
He said, taking his palm off of his face slowly. Jack's phone started to flip out, making both of us jump. He looked at his phone and read the messages he had.
"(Y/N), Mark's sick. I'll be right back, okay? Don't go anywhere, beautiful!"
Jack cheered, flashing a quick smile and leaving my house without another word. I smiled and went to sit on the couch before I heard glass shatter.
"Snickers, what the hell did you do?"
I asked myself, walking towards the source of the noise. Since the hall was dark, I could barely see. I tripped over something fluffy; It was Snickers.
"If that wasn't Snickers, than what the fuck was it?"
I said to myself, cursing under my breath as a loud slam went through my house. I ran to my room where the sound was coming from. Smashed glass everywhere, and a gun in my face. A girl stood there, about my height. She was wearing a hood, and all I saw of her face was her insane smile. She quickly pointed the gun at my ankles and shot, the bullets tearing through my skin. I screamed as I fell to my knees, and tried to crawl away. She shot me again in the back, pushing me down and starting to drag me through my house. She dragged me towards the door and opened it, throwing me outside. My head hit one of the solid concrete stairs, and my vision started to fade.
Nonononononononono!!!! (Y/N), get the fuck up off your ass and fight!!!
I mentally yelled at myself, flailing my arms. I started to get weaker and I couldn't see, and then I passed out.

Hello lovely people of Wattpad! Yay, 800 reads right now (subject to change)!!! Don't know why the hell I'm cheerful, I'm really pissed off. This girl nicknamed 'Shorty McShortyShortlegs', 'Short Blonde Bitch' or 'Stupid Diva Girl' told me that I would never write as well as MOONWOLFSTAR. Well, joke's on you, Short Blonde Bitch!! I AM MOONWOLFSTAR!!! Yeah, It's me Hailey!! ERICA!!!! MOONWOLFSTAR!!! Fuck yeah!!!! YOU AND YOUR BEST FRIEND CHLOE CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES!! YOU'RE LUCKY I ONLY SEE YOU AT SCHOOL, BECAUSE IF I SEE YOU ANYWHERE ELSE, I'M BREAK YOUR ANKLES SO YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY. I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR NECK SO YOU CAN'T SCREAM. I'M GONNA RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND KEEP IT AS A TROPHY!!!! oh my god i'm as crazy as my mother

~MoonWolfStar, the murderous girl

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