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Your POV 

You learned from your date with Hiei to wait for Karama downstairs so you waited and of course he was early and he brought you a rose dethroned and you wore a red shirt cause you knew it would complement Karama's outfit. 

Random POV

Since you love to have fun he brought you to the Carnival and won you a bear you guys had fun then when you were walking home through the park the guys from saica high were saying how they owe you a beating you told Karama you would pound them into the ground but after they said they were surprised a monster like me could get a date so then Karama got really mad and almost killed the living daylights out of them we went to a quick movie instead of going of going home right away we walked back to my house but took the long way instead of the short-cut through the park when we were at the front door we stood there face to face my heart pounded with joy and sorrow. Sorrow because it was over,and Joy because it was amazing         

Yousuke X Reader X Karama X Hiei X KuabaraWhere stories live. Discover now