Chapter Three

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On my walk I received a phone call from Beth.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Come to my dorm," Beth cheered, "I want to talk to you about something."

"Uuh okay?"

Beth's Dorm: Once Beth answered the door I meant to question her but before I could speak I was jerked into her room. I don't quite understand the meaning of this. "What's up?" I asked Beth while my eyes followed her as she searched her dorm. "I've been thinking," she said and shuffled through her closet, "you're always cooped up in that cave of yours, I think it's time you experienced the outside world." What is she implying? She doesn't mean... I had nearly fallen off balance after her aggressive hand me down. "It's a dress?" I asked completely puzzled.

I felt tension and peer pressure as Beth approached me with three other dresses. I finally come to realization that she's trying to take me to a party. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said and pushed her arm against her stomach, "slow down there cowboy! I know what you're doing and it's NOT happening."

She rolls her eyes at me and proceeds to finding me a dress to wear. "C'mon Trinity," Beth begged, "it's the Vortex Club! You'll have a good time!" Did she just say Vortex Club? The Vortex Club isn't just some lame ol' rave party. The Vortex Club is more for drug dealers and stripper wannabe's. I fall into the 'innocent student' category.

After twenty minutes of non-stop begging and pleading I was willing to do anything to shut her up. "ALRIGHT FINE," I snipped at her, "I'll go, but I'm not dressing up in these." As I said that I tossed her dresses onto her bed. "Trinity," Beth said softly and put her hand on my shoulder, "you are a loner. You drown yourself if shit loads of work. You've been single way too long. I mean, look at you! You're a mess!"

I was on the verge of rawring in her face, but I'm not one to lose my temper.

"I wasn't being serious," Beth said with a giggle, "except the loner part, that is honestly the most obvious thing about you."

"Are you going to keep taunting me with my flaws on the way to the party?"

"No! No, haha, let's just get ready, okay? If I cannot choose your dress, I'm doing your make up."

That's also my line.

"I'm not wearing make up!" I argued with Beth. She pointed to the dresses and said, "Then I'm choosing your outfit!" Instead of going to the dresses on her bed she went right back into her closet and dug out a little black dress. It is beautiful. The dress is short, tight, silky, and stained a jet black with lace sleeves. "You're kidding, right?" I protested at her. Beth shoved the dress into my arms, smiled and said, "Yes, absolutely."

However, I have to admit, this dress fits me very well. Beth played around with my hair for a little bit and then insisted I at least wore mascara to make my blue-green eyes stand out. To top it all off, Beth strutted over with both hands behind her back. The devilish smirk on her face tells me she's about to hand me something ridiculous. Beth still had that grin on her face when she showed me she was holding a black pair of stilettos. I was getting severe anxiety just by looking at them. "Beth, I can't walk in these!" I whined. She made me sit down on her bed to put them on, shook her head and said, "Nonsense! Now stand." Beth took me over to the mirror. I couldn't believe that was me in the reflection. This was all too much I grately regretted my decision to come but I can't back out of it now. "Turn!" Beth said to me. I did as she asked with the most annoyed look on my face. She started clapping her hands and squealed, "Eeee! Look at you, hot stuff!" Beth looks so proud, maybe a little too proud. The longer we stood here the more impatient I grew. "Can we go and get this over with already?" I snickered. Beth is once again very, very excited to walk me out of this dorm.

Vortex Club 12:42 A.M. : I feel disgusting already and we haven't even walked into the building yet. It was the fact that we aren't supposed to leave our dorms at a specific time, and I haven't broken a rule yet, but now it's farewell clean record.

Approaching the gym, all the way on a completely different campus, far from any authority at Blackwood, made my stomach churn. More and more thoughts of panic and fear filled my head. I had no idea what is on the other side of those doors. Anybody could lose their shit and we'd all die or get severely hurt. According to the drama movies I watch...

It seems very inconsiderate of my best friend to not ask me if I was okay with this. A simple "are you okay" or some kind of words of encouragement.

Beth knows I hate alcohol but she's still offering me cups and cups, trying to get me wasted, telling me it's fun. I was capable of containing myself no matter how much I wanted to scream. My line was crossed by around 1:56 a.m. Everyone was so drunk, so wasted, so fucked up on drugs I was the only person in this entire building to be aware of my surroundings and use common sense. Eventually, you find yourself getting hit on or being flirted with by men who can't even stand on their own feet. I reached my breaking point when one of the guys flirting with me tried to kiss and touch me. His grip on my arms were too tight I couldn't even twist my wrists if I tried. I had to defend myself. I kicked the heel of the stiletto right into his groin, giving me the opportunity to throw him off of me. I got out of there as fast as I could. Lo and behold, my best friend is coming after me. Because I was so angry I wouldn't stop to talk to her. I was hoping she'd break a heel. Beth finally caught up to me. "Trinity!" Beth said as she gently grabbed my arm.

I used such great force to yank my arm out I almost made her kiss the concrete. "No," I shouted at her. "I'm done! Because of you, I almost got sexually assaulted! All because 'I needed this'!"

I couldn't believe that it took her this long to realize she should be concerned about me. "Trinity," she said softly, "I-I didn't know this would-" Beth paused once she noticed a tear glide down my burning cheek. And I was ready to start blowing up at her but we found trouble...

"Ms Watson and Ms Jones," Principle Wallace's voice startled the both of us, and we immediately faced him. And just beyond his shoulder, Mr Styles stood with another teacher just watching us. Principle Wallace went on, "care to tell me why you two are out of your dorms, and dressed like that?"

"Why are you out here anyway?" Beth shot with clear disrespect. "We had a noise complaint," Principle Wallace said as he glared back and forth between Beth and I. I had a terrible, terrible feeling turning in my gut. "We will talk about your suspension in the morning..." Principle Wallace's tone of voice was of determination. He means it. And my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. "No," Beth argued, "It wasn't Trinity's fault, I was th-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses, Ms Watson, this isn't the first time you've used bullshit excuses on me!" It was terrifying to hear Principle Wallace's voice being raised like that. I can't recall ever hearing him yell before. "Return to your dorms," he spoke sternly and pointed towards the dormitories, "I'll being seeing you in my office at 7 a.m." I sluggishly dragged my feet with my head hanging low. Beth and I began to walk past Mr Styles, but I had to take a glimpse at him. He looked like he wanted to say something to me but nothing was said.

And I'm ashamed of myself...


That was Chapter Three, sorry for the length of the chapter. But I hope you enjoy it so far. x

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