Chapter Five

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The day seems longer without Beth. She's usually the only person I'm around. And in every class all I could do was think about her. That was until we were dismissed and I remembered I had to turn in my topic to Mr Styles. As shy as I am, I was able to approach him. "Uhm, Mr Styles?" I said very softly. He seemed very happy to see me. "How can I help you Ms Jones?" Mr Styles asked. I hesitated to hand my topic paper over. He sat on the corner of his desk and read my paper carefully. "Ah," he said and grinned at me, "the Butterfly Effect. A very good topic. I'm looking forward to the rest of your paper."

Now that we got that out of the way.

"Er, c-can I ask you something, sir?" I asked quietly thinking he didn't hear me. He nodded and said, "Of course, anything."

I had to think this through for some reason. "I uh, spoke to Principle Wallace this morning, a-about last night," Mr Styles seems like he pays very close attention when being spoken to, he hasn't tried avoiding anything or moving around while I spoke, "he told me that you had said something to him, a-about me?"

At first I wasn't sure if he had taken me seriously because he had a dumb smile on his face. "Ah, yes I did," he said with a nod, "I just saw how well you worked in class I just thought I'd make it known you're a good student."

I honestly had no idea why he would do that though? I'm also a neurotic person so that could explain why it bothers me. I thanked Mr Styles before leaving. While I had the time in between classes I headed back to my dorm and prepared myself for my work. I'm taking basic classes at the moment before I can progress into a specific course. I'm a typical student struggling with my work and getting easily frustrated. Math was the first to go because it's my worst subject. Science I'm okay with, when it comes to our solar system and mother nature I'm like a science wizard. One of my elective classes is taking French. All I have to do is memorize and say things out loud while I'm either cleaning the dorm or taking my usual walk. After going back to my math class to ask my teacher for tutoring I figured I got the hang of it and took the math work back to the dorm. Biggest mistake.

"Ahh no, no, no," I said to myself as I reread the math problem, "ah crap..." I balled up the paper, tossed it into my trash can and gave it another chance. An hour or so later my trash can was over flowing with my paper wads and my brain was fried.

There's only one thing left to do. I need to start my paper about the Butterfly Effect. It looked pretty easy at first but the reason it becomes so complicated is that, how can you really explain something as craic as that. Having to give examples wasn't too bad. It's only when you have to determine certain things or describe an experience if one hasn't experienced it at all. "The Butterfly Effect," I said with a sigh and tried balancing my book on my head just for entertainment while I worked, "let's see... an example of this is the following: Going to that Vortex Club got me nearly expelled, but if I hadn't gone I wouldn't be in this situation I'm in today... Sounds like a pretty good example to me." However, even I know that's not how the Butterfly Effect works. The complication is very strong. Beth's suspension could be another reason why I can't focus. It's also late. I don't have classes tomorrow so hopefully I'll regain my strength and head out to do my work somewhere peaceful and quiet. I have my goal for tomorrow set.

On Campus Park 11: 58 A.M. : It was much easier to work outside than inside my dorm. The sound of the cold and gentle breeze, sitting comfortably among the cozy couches in the gazebo. A perfect spot to exercise my intelligence.

For a moment I look out upon the field and spot friends with friends, couples, siblings... Although being alone helps me work properly, I still miss the feeling of having someone in my presence, as in Beth. I feel like she's the only person here who actually cared to talk to me or hangout with me, I feel oblivious to the rest of the students on campus.

It'd be nice to talk to someone.

"Hello Ms Jones," his thick accent gave himself away.

I direct my attention toward the voice that's speaking to me. "Oh, hello Mr Styles." I greeted back to him. I grew curious as to why he came over here. "Why the long face?" he asked me. I don't know if sharing anything personal is even a good idea. However, he comes across as very caring and understanding. "I-it's nothing really..." I said and shook my head. Mr Styles let out a husky brief laugh. "I see," he said, "well if you ever need to talk, feel free to come see me." I'm now under the assumption that there's a possibility I can talk to him for personal reasons. That's how Beth was when we first met, always told me if I needed to talk, she's my gal. "Well," I finally spoke up, "it's just, Beth is suspended and she's usually always with me." Mr Styles sat down beside me. "I get it," he said, "I'm guessing that's why you're sitting here all by yourself." I was right he's very understanding. "How long is she suspended for?"

"Two weeks."

"Oh, that's not so bad." Mr Styles teased.

It's hard to believe he would understand my emotional state at the moment. He laughed at my unpleasant look. However, I don't see what's so funny.

Mr Styles looked like he was having a very hard time trying to speak. "You're talking to the guy who left his home, family, and friends to travel half way across the globe all for this job opportunity." Now I understand he's trying to make the best of this situation. Although now I realized I have Beth, but Mr Styles is the one out here on his own, yet I'm the one to complain.

"Did you ever think about going back?" I asked him. "Nah," he said and cracked a sly grin, "every now and then, of course I get homesick, however I love doing what I'm doing now. When I got asked to come to Blackwood to teach, I truly couldn't turn this opportunity down."

"Did you teach back home?"

"Absolutely," Mr Styles exclaimed, "I was teaching junior high kids that never really did anything educational, even in class, they were to rambunctious for me. I finally called it quits and chose to go back to university to study a major in the teaching course. They were so I'm pressed by my teaching skills, they gave me a job here at Blackwood. I couldn't be happier."

I'm willing to admit that backstory was absolutely beautiful.

"Well," I said and smiled at him, "I'm happy for you."

Mr Styles look astonished by my comment. "Thank you," he said softly, "that means a lot to me."

There was a brief moment of awkward silence between the two of us. "Well," Mr Styles spoke as he stood up, "I have a meeting to attend, but it was nice talking with you, Ms Jones."

"Same to you." I replied as softly as I could. I found myself watching him walk away as if I were admiring him. The admiration I had was of the fact he had so much passion as a teacher. The reason for this is simply because I'm very passionate about my work too, and when I see someone enjoying what they're doing it's a great thing to witness. You learn something knew about the other person.

I decided it was time I headed back to my dorm to reach out to Beth to see how she's doing. 

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