XXIX: The City of Love

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(Joey's POV)

"We're here! We're finally here!" Daniel exclaims once we exit the airport. After the long flight, both of us are glad to be back on solid ground, and in the city of love. This is the first stop on the European leg of the book tour; Paris.

Daniel and I have never traveled together besides shooting the Don't Wait video in Montana. He's also never been to Paris so I'll show him around. I don't know how much of an expert I am, I've only been here twice before.

"We have to do all of the classic touristy things." I tell him as we throw our bags into the back of a cab waiting outside the airport. Daniel grabs my hand before I can sit and pulls me into his chest. His arms are wrapped over my shoulders and mine around his back.

"I just want to kiss you on the top of the Eiffel Tower. I want to let the whole world know how lucky I am." Daniel whispers into my ear sweetly. I place my lips on his and get carried away in the kiss.

"Mhm!" The cab driver clears his throat loudly. We separate immediately. "Ready to go?" He says. We both nod and pile into the cab.

As we drive through the city I take in all of the beauty. The sun is setting and it shines a pink light over everything. The air is cold and crisp. Daniel realizes that I'm chilly and gives me his jacket. "Thank you." I mumble and rest my head on his shoulder.

What does France think about gays? The cab driver seemed annoyed when we kissed. What if everyone is like that? It soon hits me that we're going all over the world. Only a tiny amount of people aren't supportive in LA. It could be completely different in other places. Not everyone is going to be okay with us together.

I'm freaking myself out over nothing. I'm on the Internet for a living, haters are everywhere. I know that who I love isn't wrong and no one can tell me that it is. I'm usually strong and don't care about what they say.

~ (flashback) ~

"They hate me Daniel!" I screamed as I sobbed into my hands. I read through a few comments from people telling me that I should kill myself and that I'm disgusting. I knew they would all hate me if I came out. I should have never done this!

"No one hates you Joey." Daniel comes in the room and sits on the floor next to me. He wipes the tears from my eyes and grabs the phone out of my hands.

"We love you so much Joey."
"I'm so proud of you."
"You are an inspiration and inspired me to come out to my family."
"This is the best video I've ever seen."

Daniel read some of the comments aloud to me. "You skipped over the bad ones." I sighed. The tears have stopped but I still felt bad.

"That's because those don't matter. What matters is that there are millions of people out there who love and support you. Haters gonna hate." He made me giggle at the last part.

"Thank you Daniel." He's right. I'm only looking at the negative. I'm so lucky to have him. Together we're unstoppable.

~ (end of flashback) ~

Homophobes don't matter; I have Daniel and all they have is a book written 2000 years ago.

We're only here for the rest of the night, and tomorrow. We have to work quickly if we want to accomplish everything on our to do list. The day after tomorrow we leave for London.


It's later that night and we just finished the book signing. It was amazing. I met so many fans and they were all so sweet. Also a lot of the fans wanted a picture with Daniel. He loved that.

Today we completed almost everything on our checklist. The last place to visit is the Eiffel Tower. As we exit the cab, the sight of the tower in front of us is breathtaking. It's a little before eight and it's almost dark outside.

"Crepes!" Daniel exclaims and lunges towards the crepe cart. I giggle and follow close behind. "Can we get two Nutella crepes?" I ask. Daniel smiles, surprised I knew what he wanted. The girl begins to fill them and I notice something. She's making googly eyes at Daniel.

A ting of jealously runs through my body. He doesn't even seem to notice. Every few seconds she glances up and smiles looking directly into Daniels glistening eyes. Sorry sweetie he's gay, and taken.

As she finishes, she hands the first crepe to Daniel never breaking eye contact. "One for you handsome gentleman." She says with a wink. I almost say something but think it's better if I don't.

Daniel takes the second one out of her hands and gives it me. "And one for my handsome gentleman." My cheeks turn red. He still manages to make my heart race like a middle school crush.

The crepe girl's face makes me almost laugh out loud. She looks upset and frustrated and gives me a death stare before turning to the next person in line.

We walk up the tower stairs eating. "I like your new girlfriend." I tease. He nudges me in the side. "I just have that affect on the ladies." Flipping his imaginary hair, he sassily walks in front of me. As we make it to the top, we stop to finish our food.

"Wow." He took the words right out of my mouth. From the tower we can see all of Paris. Since its nighttime, lights illuminate buildings all over the town. Tall buildings, small houses, and the cold crisp air makes it perfect.

"I couldn't ask for a better day, and a better person to spend it with." I say and take Danny's hand in mine. His hand is warm and comforts me from my fear of heights.

"Thank you for always being here for me. Even if 'here' is on the other side of the world. I know I can always count on you to help me with anything and you can always count on me." I truly mean it.

Daniel grabs my other hand and pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too."

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