IV : Mother's Samurai

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Looking at them with wide eyes, I said, "Can you repeat that again one more time? I'm not sure I get it, really." It had been half hour since my dear aunt invited Aries in, and from then on - the very second I put the samurai aside and took a seat on of a couch in the living room, they started explaining everything Kayla had tried to earlier. This time, I got most of it and had been holding on to every word of theirs when they got to a point where I just didn't get it no matter how many times they break it down for me.

"You're a demigod," repeated my aunt. "You know, half-human and half-god. You are one of the offsprings of a god with a mortal woman, which - in this case - is your mom. It happened exactly fifteen years ago when gods are still able to breed with our kind," she later explained. Fifteen? So I was four years old when it occurred.

Apparently, my whole life had been a Greek mythology. See, that was the most impossible yet confusing information I've been trying to cope with. Me? A myth? I wanted to roll on the carpeted floor at this moment and laugh my throat out. I knew Mom. She wouldn't fall for some guy whom other women already had kids with! So cringeworthy! Yet, she was the same Mom who left me for another man, causing her to meet such tragic end...

"But what happened?" I asked, pushing the thought away. I could feel Aries's eyes on me. He probably felt what I was thinking, but I didn't care. "What stopped the gods?" I added. I wasn't really the type to remember ancient mythology on top of my head. There was so much complications to take in - not to mention names and relationships.

"Lord Zeus basically banned everyone from doing so," Aries helped my aunt explained. Both of his elbows were on his knees as he leaned forward. His body language told me that he was really into our discussion. Boy, I think he could major in this! I meant, if such thing would ever exist.

"Zeus? You mean that playboy guy?" I asked, remembering basic facts. Within the same second, I saw lightning strike outside the window. It took me by surprise hence it came along with thunder. Weird. The dark night was so clear and peaceful, without any threats from rain clouds, but suddenly there were lightning and thunder? Then again, my day was already peculiar enough.

"Cassandra!" my aunt said through gritted teeth. What did I do now? "Show some reverence!"

"Reverence?" I repeated under my breath, trying to think how I offended anyone. I knew me being talkative and outspoken most of the time caused me enemies, but the hell I cared. Not to mention I was badly foul mouthed at times. Besides, I was still in hesitation of all these things they were trying to explain to me anyway.

There was lightning again, followed by a much louder thunder.

"Cassie!" Aries was now the one to call me. "Don't call on the Underworld! You're going to attract Lord-"

"Oh yeah, huh?" I reacted, sounding enlightened as I finally got the reason of the current natural occurrence. Well, it wasn't really what I would call natural, but you know what I meant. "Lord Zeus is a god, not a guy. I'm deeply sorry for offending him," I said out loud for my aunt and Aries' satisfaction even though I didn't really mean it. The sky seemed to calmed down after I've let those words of escape my mouth. Although, he's still a playboy, I said on my mind to not attract attention - except for Aries who just gave me a warning look.

It made me wonder if my immortal dad was also a playboy. Then it came to me I probably had hundreds of half siblings.

I sighed.

"Is there something bothering you?" my aunt asked, worry was evident in her tone. "I know this is so much to deal with in one night..." Her voice trailed off, and I was waiting for her to say more but what was the use of waiting for nothing?

"Who's my dad?" I asked. I just felt like I had to know. After all, I had no recollection of him other than him abandoning me and my mom. No photographs. Nothing. Though I can't also deny that I should've remembered at least few memories with him because, after all, I was four years old when he left and I sort of could remember events from that age today. It was as if someone bewitched my memories to forget I've spent time with my godly parent.

Looking up to see their reactions at my question, I was immediately disappointed. Their faces were filled with mixed emotions - concern and pity. "I'm afraid this is not the right time to tell you, Cassie," Aries started to say, now looking on the floor. "It's too risky."

"Oh. Alright." I tried swallowing the forming lump in my throat. "How about this samurai?" I indicated the lengthy blade as I picked it up with both of my hands from where I settled it in order to switch subjects. It was pretty heavy to lift up, and I didn't want to give myself a cut, either. The vision of what I saw when I looked at its blade earlier suddenly crossed my mind. Hoping that it would show me the same reflection, I took a moment to look at it again. This time, unlike the second time I touched it, it didn't disappoint me hence it literally showed me the same fierce and goddess-looking young lady - who almost shared all qualities with me except the fact that she also looked something else I couldn't point my finger on.

"It was your mom's, my sister," my aunt said, smiling. "She used that a couple of times for training. Maybe you could also make a use of it."

Training? The word bounced in my head. I wanted to ask her why was she training for, but I doubt she'd answer it. Instead I asked, "Does it emit any unbelievable powers? Reflections?" I was trying to hint what I was witnessing, but seemed like they had no idea. Either that or they were acting.

"How could it when it's just a simple samurai?" my aunt replied. She sounded sincere, so I took it as the truth. Maybe I was still hallucinating.

"Well, if you say so," I said, shrugging.

Aries said his goodbyes not long after that. He hugged my aunt like they knew each other for a long time, which was possible because my aunt had lived here in this neighborhood for as long as I could remember and maybe he was, too. If my memory served me right, she inherited this house from my grandparents. Here, she started her family. She was divorced, but could manage her three children who were now young adults like me.

"See you tomorrow," he whispered to my ear as he gave me a half hug. It elicited my attention right away.

"What for?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Training" was all he said before heading out to our front porch as he waved, a genuine smile plastered on his arrogant-looking face.

I then climbed the stairs to the guest room as I held the samurai with a hand. Wait, I stopped on about the fifth step, a hand? I looked down to the blade and was astonished to see that, in fact, I was only holding it with one hand as if it got lighter all of a sudden.

Something was really up with this weapon, and I was about to find out what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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