Chapter 30: A Philosophical Party

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In case you didn't know already, this is NOT the last chapter :)


I sat down on the nearest cot and let Persephone clean off my visible wounds with a damp cloth as I recounted my story of what had happened with Hades down in the Underworld. I'm sure Alec would have happily sat next to me, but Apollo was currently taping bandages to his bleeding back on the other side of the tent. Nevertheless, Alec didn't take his eyes off of me once, and I was certain that he was still thinking about our kiss. Hell, I was still thinking about the kiss. And the prophecy, of course. You can't forget that.

When I had finished telling the story, Ares exclaimed angrily in Greek, "So you just gave the helm to Hades?! What on Earth were you thinking?"

"I have to agree with Ares on this one," Poseidon murmured, running his fingers through his jet black hair. "How do you know for sure that Hades will even come to this meeting tomorrow? I can't say I would be surprised if he screwed us over."

"Trust me, he'll show up," I responded firmly. "Let's just say I gave him an offer he couldn't refuse." Then I gulped, thinking again about what it would be like to leave the forest forever, but when Zeus raised one eyebrow questioningly, I quickly shrugged it off.

Breaking a short moment of silence, Zeus announced vaguely, "Well, what's done is done." After a few last orders were handed out, most of the gods left the tent in a hurry, heading back in a large group towards Main Street. Yes, even after a full day of saving the world from being taken over, some of the gods still had curfews to meet and lies to tell. So, after a few minutes, only the Monster Watch, Alec, Persephone, Pan, and I remained.

When Persephone had finished cleaning up and bandaging my wounds, I muttered a quick thank-you and set off polishing my armor so it wouldn't rust. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw everyone but Persephone, who didn't even have armor, do the same, and I simply ignored them as they chatted nonchalantly about who had died and which monsters they had killed that day. I wasn't in the mood to talk, and frankly, I just didn't have the energy to socialize.

I'm not sure how much time passed, but eventually Alec strode over to his cot next to mine. I didn't even have to look up to know it was him, so I only continued to scrub my breastplate as I asked him seriously, "Are you actually going to have a conversation with me this time, or are you just going to try to kiss me again?" 

Alec smirked sheepishly, but I avoided his gaze and kept picking at the dirt on my armor as I expectantly waited for him to speak up. When he finally realized I wasn't joking, he cleared his throat and said firmly, "Athena, I'm not sorry for kissing you, so I'm not going to apologize."

"I know," I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut, and Alec patiently waited for me to continue as I paused to take a few deep breaths. With a shaking voice, I finally admitted, "I'm not sorry either. I'm just...confused."

Alec chewed his lip thoughtfully. "I'm sure you'll figure something out. You always do," he told me, trying his best to comfort me. "You're just lucky you don't get confused as often as the average person." He then sat down on the cot across from me, pausing to brush a stray piece of dark hair out of my dirty face and to wipe off a tiny smudge of blood, and he smirked again. "Damn, you look absolutely gorgeous."

I honestly couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so I simply rolled my eyes at him. "Why did you come over here again? I hope it wasn't just to tease me."

"Oh, right, that reminds me...I brought you some food," he said. I calmly glanced up, but then I narrowed my eyes in slight disappointment as he set down some berries, a few nuts, and a single piece of bread in front of me. Reading my expression, Alec explained with a sigh, "I know it's not much, but the troops already ate the food we brought from your house."

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