You Stole my heart and put it on display (A reece MAstin Fanfic)

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Hey, I am new to watt-pad so I know that I will make mistakes please bare with me to I understand how to use it properly. My updates will be short to start off with but as the storyline drama gets better they should get longer. Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes is you find any don't be shy to tell me, it's only constructive criticism.  


Chapter one  

So today I start at my new school. My dream school, it's not private or anything like that but it majors in the arts. I am not a dancer or a musician, but I can act and I am really good at it. I first heard about this school at the start of year 8 and I wanted go staigjt away but like My mum would move 1709km for me. Then in hear 9 I found to that to go to golden grove state high school you had to live in a certain distance from the school. Even then if you did that there still was a chance that you would not get in because there is a waiting list and they only take a certain amount of people a year. But we took the chance and moved there anyway my respect for my mum went up her moving just for a chance of me going to a school that I wasn't even excepted into. I got in but not the way I wanted to. You see when you moved their we found out they weren't taking anyone or even adding people to the waiting list. So that sucked we moved there for nothing. But the people who lived next door offered to help you see they have 2 kids at golden grove and you are garented exceptence so they said that I was their niece who now lives with them. So that's why I am now standing in the green and yellow uniform. I hadn't met the family from next door only mum has I was always busy with learning lines for a play I promised my friends I would go back for. I walk out the front door to go next door where mum was I guess it was time to meet the family that gave me my dream. 



Hey, theses updates will be really short but that means I will put them up more often. The me members of the the sexy six are single so if you would like to be one of their partners then please comment or inbox something about the character eg hair fashion sense blah blah blah. And any storyline suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you


Chapter 2

"Hey mum." I say walking through the front door of the house that was open

"In the lounge room sweetie,"

"Um.. That would be where," I say in my British accent, not that I am British or ever been there. It's just that I had to do a play with the accent then I couldn't stop

"You must be Brianna?" Says a girl that looks around the same age as me

" that's me,"

"I am Georgina, we are in the same grade." She says then my mum and I am assuming her mum walks in. Mum walks over to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the check.

"Hello love, I am deb,"

"Hi, thank you so much for doing this,"

" it's no problem, your mum showed us the videos of you acting you are quiet talented,"

"Thank you."

"Gorge you better be ready!" A male yells from upstairs

"Reece, I am ready and downstairs you are the one that's running late." She says shaking her head

"Well that girl from next door better be ready, her fake ness isn't fooling me." He says walking into the hallway not relising that I was there. Deb had a look of disgust on her face.


You Stole My Heart and Put It On Display (A Reece Mastin fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now