7. Breathless

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Tyler stopped and realising that I wasn't chasing him anymore. He came in a hurry to me.

"You gave up already?" he said just to realise the way I was in that moment "What the heck is going wrong with you, Sia, you ok?" he asked me even if the answer was obvious.

"No, I, I can't breath" I could almost talk.

"Omg" he put his hands to cover his mouth in shock? "Noo, don't die, please don't die, I got attacked to you, I actually feel so happy with you, please I don't wanna lose you" he was moving from left to right having a depression. I was struggling to speak.

"If I kiss you are you gonna get better?" he stopped looked at me, his eyes looked very worried, he was very scared and didn't know what to do.

"Just bring me the fucking inhaler!" I finally managed to speak pointing at my bag that was like 100 meters away.

"From the bag?" he asked. And I nodded. How stupid can you be? Just asking. He started running so fast. It was incredible, I think the motivation was to save my life?

While he was running I remembered what I have to do when this happens. I took a deep breath calmly waiting for the inhaler. Before I beginning to chase him I completely forgot I got asthma and that I'm not allowed to run too much. I have to say I was never that fast like today.

He brought me the bag and I quickly took my inhaler from it inhaling a good mouth and then I was starting to feel better.

"So you're not gonna die?" his face changed in happiness.

"No idiot" I said smiling.

"Yay" he clapped his hands like a little kid. He put his hands around my shoulder and put me up the the border.
He was looking straight into my green eyes. He put his hand on my cheek putting my hair from my face behind my ear.

"I'm so happy you didn't die" he came closer and whispered in my ear being sarcastic and then took his head back away to face me. A beautiful smirk on his face.

"Did I tell you you're very pretty?" he asked smiling and I nodded.

After 1 minute of us staring at each other I decided to do something. I put my hands on his neck and pulled him forwards me. I kissed him. "Thank you for saving my life" I said in between the kiss. He kept kissing me until I pulled away.

"I can't breath, again!" I said breathing hardly.

"No no no! You're inhaler, where is it? Sienna?" he got proper worried, he was searching for my inhaler like crazy.

"Got yaa!" I said laughing.

"You stupid! You almost gave me a heart attack!" he said placing his hand on his heart, and taking mine to hear his heart beating. I have to admit, it was beating so fast. And mine one too.

"I think I need to go, my mum is waiting for me" I said getting down from the border and taking my bag.

"Ok, let's go" he said getting my bag and taking me in front of my house. He hugged me and I searched for the keys to open the door making a sign to him to go away coz if my mum sees me with Collins, I'm kind of dead.

"I'm home!" I said exciting and then you could see my brother in a big hurry coming from downstairs to hug me.


I reached for my phone from the table and answered it.

"Hi, we didn't talk with each other for so long, how's going?" I said sarcastically.

"Hello, good, are you ok? Are your feeling alright, is your breathing normal?" it was Tyler calling me exactly after 5 minutes after he left asking me if I'm feeling good.

"Yes, don't worry, did you get home?" I asks changing the subject.

"Yap, I think I should live you coz I'm sure you have some homework or stuff to do" he was right, I was just getting ready to do my maths homework.

"Ok, thanks Tyler, see yaa, Byee"

"Bye, take care" he hang up.

After a half an hour I heard a knock on my room door. "Come in, mum" I was sure that was her because my little brother never knocks on my door.

The person came in but it wasn't my mum. It was my best friend, Emily.

"Hi Em, I said standing up and hugging her. I closed my laptop saying that I'm going to finish my homework tomorrow and asked Emily how she's doing.

She was very exciting to tell me that she had her first kiss with Lewis.

"What a coincidente, I just had mine one today with Tyler" I smiled.

"How many times do I have to tell you that-" I cut her off.

"That he's not good for me and that I need to break up with him" I already knew what she wanted to say.

"Yes" she agreed.

"Look, if you came here to give me a lesson about with who I should and I shouldn't go out, no thank you" I explained.

She nodded.

"Please, believe me, he's am amazing boy, just give him a chance" I tried to convince her.

"You like him? Are you two going out?" Emily questioned.

"I think I do. No, he didn't ask me out but I think he will"

"Ok, if you like him them I'm going to trust you. I'm happy for my best friend" I finally convinced her.

"Thank you, I love you. It means so much that at least my best friend believes in me" I hugged her tightly and happily.

I told her everything what happened today after school and that made her believe that Tyler actually likes me and does care about me. I told her to give me every small detail about her first kiss and so I did.

The time with her passed so quickly, it was almost night when she decided to go.

"Byee" I said in disappointment. I didn't wanted her to go.


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