13. Depression

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I opened a door and what I saw made me shiver. I could feel my tears dropping one by one. I could feel something like a knife in my heart. I felt like I couldn't breath anymore...

It was Tyler on top of some blond, ugly bitch. She was the one I saw that was flirting with all the guys, even Tyler, but I ignored her. When he saw me he got off the bed putting his shirt back on. I ran away outside as quickly as I could. I wanted to go and pull that slut's hair up and down, to right and left, again and again until she would have died in pain... But, I just didn't have the power to do that. I felt weak, my heart was... broken. I couldn't do anything anymore. I was shocked I still had the power to run.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked worried while she stopped me from running when I was downstairs in all that massive crowd of happy and drunk people.

"You were right" I said continuing what I was doing.

I was outside when Tyler appeared behind me. His clothes and hair were messed up and his eyes full of guilty.

"It wasn't what you through, I don't know, I, I didn't mean it"  he tried to get closer to me but I stepped away.

"So you ask me out, then you go and fuck that bitch and after you come to me saying that you didn't mean it? What the fuck, Tyler?!" I was shouting. I didn't understand. I was confused, I didn't know why he would have ever done that to me.

He didn't say anything, he had no words, he couldn't offend himself.

"They were right about you. I should had listen to them" Remembering my mum'a opinion about Tyler and everything my friends told me about him, it made me feel sorry I didn't listen to them.

I walked away from him with the through that I'm going back home. I forgot I have no money to get there. I came back, went straight to Tyler that was blank staring in the distance and placed my hand in front of him saying "I need money for taxi". He gave me the money and I walked on the empty street to find a taxi because all I wanted was to be far from this place, from him, when he catches my hand pulling me back. I looked back at him. "I'm sorry" he said. I pulled my hand back from him "Me too".

Tears were dropping out, wishing I could keep them there but they were escaping threw my eyes full with anger and disappointment. I stepped into a taxi rubbing my eyes and told the driver the address I wanted to go. I still couldn't stop myself from crying. Why didn't I listen to them? How could he do that to me... Even if drunk you wouldn't do that...unless you mean it...

I remembered my mother's words "He's a rich boy that goes out with every girl and then lives them, he's two years older than you and wants more from you than a real friendship or relationship. He's a boy that buys everyone and thinks that's ok. Everybody is saying rumors about him taking drugs. He is not a boy good for you. Sienna, please, listen to me" and then Emily's words "Sia, he's using you, he just tries to make you fall for him. He just wants to fuck you" and I now felt sorry for not listening to them, I was such a silly, but this is just because I loved him.

I shook the thoughts out my head and continued my ride. I was in front of my house now, I gave the driver the money and took my keys out of my bag to open the door.

"Sienna!" my mum run to me. "Where did you go? Why did you do that!" she was angry and happy at the same time. "I'm sorry mum" I apologised and ran in the bathroom living my mum yelling at me "Come back here this instant!"

I locked the bathroom door and my phone was ringing. It said "Tyler" I closed it. Then it ringed again, and again and again. I still didn't answer the phone. After, Emily called, I didn't answer her too. I didn't wanted to talk with anyone. All I wished now was to be left alone.

I started thinking about that again. Everything was coming like daggers in my mind. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I'm going to die. How could he cheat on me? Why? I kept on asking myself this questions. I took the blade out of the bathroom drawer and began cutting myself. I began thinking if this was the right thing to do, but all I could think about now was that I wanted to die. I wanted to get rid off all the pain and go in a better place. I hated this world full of crap and idiot people. I started from the top coming down and down. I could see the red blood coming out, the pain felt so good. My blade was placed at the very bottom now. I cut my vein. Blood didn't stop. My mum was at the door still knocking and screaming my name telling me to open the door. Everything was in a blur. All I heard was a bang at the door which opened and my mum was with me now shouting. I felt on the floor wishing I was dead.

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