40. Awake

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I was so stressed waiting for Tyler's surgery to succeed and end. I was already one hour past. After a while, the doctor came back with the nurses pulling his bed and placing it back into its place. I smiled when seeing him even if he was still asleep.

The doctor told us that the surgery went well and that he will wake up in a while. When Tyler was in the surgery room, me, my dad and Dave talked and thanked Brandon for his offer. Hey chatted about the business and everything, it was so nice seeing them getting well together again.

I was sitting on a chair almost next to the bed, being on my phone, when seeing Tyler opening his eyes and slowly trying to lift his hand.

"Tyler!" I shouted excitedly standing up and running to him. I can not describe the feeling I had when seeing his eyes again, knowing he is alright. I felt so relieved and happy. I must say I was the happiest person in the world seeing my boyfriend getting better. My happiness was shown in a big, wide smile.

I dashed out the room calling for my dad and Dave. They came in a rush with excitement.

"Sienna. Are you okay?" Was the first thing he said when opening his month. I wanted to jump on him so badly and kiss him, but I knew he was fragile now and probably his whole body would hurt. After all he goes threw, he asks me if I'm okay? I should be the one asking him if he's okay, what happened to me was nothing compared to the accident happened to him.

"Don't worry about me, I am alright. Are you alright? I missed you so much!" The same excitement in my voice and I tried really hard to don't start jumping up and down of happiness just like a little child would do.

"I'm confused" Tyler uttered checking everything out.

"Let me explain you. Remember when you took the plane to go London? Well, you had a plane crash and you went in a coma. But now you're alright, and here and safe and I love you" I went closer to him, bending to give him a hug.

"This is my father, Brandon" it was so much to explain to him. I couldn't wait to have a bit of time for ourselves and tell him everything and how much I missed him in this time.

"How did you?" He asked me referring to the time I've been kidnapped.

"My father saved me" I cut him off by giving him the answer already. I realised he was confused so I told him "I'll explain you later this as well"

"Why do I feel so numb?" he glanced at his hand that he was trying to move up but didn't succeed.

"You had a surgery, but you'll be fine, I promise" I gave him a smile then turning around when seeing the doctor coming into the room.

After all the doctors made sure he's alright, it was just me and him left in the room as my dad and Dave went home. Dave wanted to spend the night here but I told him to go home and rest as I will be here. I decided to spend the night in the hospital as Tyler just woke up and I really wanted to spend time hearing his voice and seeing him smile again, not just seeing him laying in the bed unconscious with a machinery helping him to breath.

My mother's been here earlier because she wanted to see Tyler and bring him something to eat, even if there was food in the hospital my mum insisted to make a special healthy dinner for him.

The chicken noddles soup was still warm so I put some in a bowl for Tyler as the doctor told me he really has to eat so he could heal faster and be able to walk by himself again.

I took a spoon of soup and putting it in his mouth just like you would fed a little child.

"Aaaa! Open your mouth" I told him by opening my mouth too showing him how you open a mouth.

"I think I know how to open my mouth you don't have to do a demonstration" he stated smiling. I just laughed. "I can't eat anymore, I'm full" he said stopping me from getting another full spoon of healthy chicken soup.

"No, you have to eat, open your mouth widely! Come on! The airplane is coming!" I made an annoying airplane sound.

"Don't remind me of airplanes. And no, I'm not hungry anymore" he made a sign for me to stop feeding him.

"Please, three more spoons of soup and that's it. Do it for me, okay?" I said making the puppy eyes. He sighed, giving me a glance, then smiling, his smirk that I missed a lot.

He agreed smiling and continued eating. When finishing I cleaned everything up and went to sit in the bed next to him.

"Ouch" he said because I accidentally sat on his cannula that was connected to a perfusion.

"Sorry!" I apologised moving from there. "It's cool baby, don't worry, come here" he said pulling me closer and hugging me to his chest. I hugged him too kissing his sweet lips. I missed his lips. He kissed me back passionately while pulling me closer to him.

"Thank you" he said when pulling back from the kiss. I asked "why?"

He was thanking me for being there for him all this time. "Obviously, baby, I could never leave you no matter how hard the situation would be. I love you" I kissed him again.

"I love you too, princess" he said. "Now, princess, could you please move a bit up, cause you're sitting on my cannula again" Tyler uttered while laughing and I just joined him until he pulled my head to his to kiss me one more time.

I hope you liked this chapter. Didn't you miss Tyler? :) I would really appreciate if you would not be a silent reader and you would tell me what you think about this story, or this chapter or if you have any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them. Positive or negative comments? Just write them down and tell me how I could improve :) Don't forget to vote too!!

Thank you guy, you're amazing <3

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