Chapter 12...❤️

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After we had finished earring our pizza, Marcus said,"oh no, I was meant to film a video today","oh, why don't you pop back home and film the video and me and Ali came go out somewhere or something",Niomi replied ,"ok, you okay with that Ali",he replied looking at me,"yeah that's fine, I can get a bit of girl time with Niomi","okay then, bye". He gave me a hug and Niomi a hug and a kiss then left.

"So, have you seen the new episode of pretty little liars, the one where they find out who 'A' is",I said to Niomi,"yeah, I can't believe ******(I don't want to give away any spoilers, you know just in case you haven't watched it yet) is A","Neither could I, I was like, what, no, really when they turned around","same". We talked about pretty little liars then for the next 30 minutes. We talked about who our favourite character is, who we thought A was, who didn't like and pretty much every to do with it. "You even have the same name as Ali in pretty little liars","I know, how cool is that","it's pretty cool".

After we had talked about everything we decided on watching a film,"so Ali what do you wan to watch","umm disney, horror or romance","Horror!!"Niomi said,"what horror film though", I asked Niomi,"umm, what about...mama","ok then."I went onto Netflix and went on the horror section, I scrolled through until I found it, I clicked it and pressed paused."So then do you want seem sweets and chocolate Niomi","obviously" she said whiling laughing and standing up. We made our way into the kitchen and found  the chocolate and sweets. We then decided to make some Chocolate popcorn. We got out the popcorn kernels and put them in a pan then put a plate on top of the pan, next we melted the chocolate and then we heard the popcorn kernels popping.after they had stopped we turned the oven of, poured the popcorn in a big bowl and emptied the melted choclate on top of the popcorn. After we had finished we went back into the living."Shall we get changed into our pyjamas" I said to Niomi,"I was just about to ask you the same question",we then went of upstairs to change.After we both had changed we went downstairs and wrapped some blankets around us, we got the sweets, chocolate and popcorn Niomi turned the lights of and then I pressed play.

Me and Niomi were stuffing our faces with the popcorn when suddenly,"RAHHAGGH!!!", the popcorn went flying up in the air, both of us screaming,"ARHHH, DONT KILL US!!!", me and Niomi both shouted at the same time. The lights came on and to the side of us was Marcus laughing his head of. "Marcus, you scared the life out of us"I said,"MARCUS!" Niomi shouted,"oh god gu...guys that w..was so fun...funny",Marcus replied in between laughing. I looked around the room and there was popcorn everywhere,"your cleaning all this up Marcus",I said,""he replied. Me and Niomi then both quietly shouted,"yes you are", and threw some of the popcorn at him. I then paused the film and we carried on talking. "What video did you film then?", Niomi asked, "oh I just done a prank calls video","oh cool".
We then went back to watching the film.

After the film had finished Marcus actually started cleaning the popcorn up. Me and Niomi decided we would have a pamper evening,"guys, I'm going to watch a film", Marcus told us,"okay me and Ali are going to have a girly pamper evening","ok". Me and Niomi went upstairs and I started running the bath so we could wash our feet. I got one of Zoe's bath bombs and dropped it in the bath, I knew she wouldn't mind. While we were siting on the bath and our feet were in the water, I got out my new face-mask, we put some of it on our faces and let it dry. After it had dried we peeled them of."My face feels so much cleaner now,"so does mine, shall we paint our nails","ok, then what colours have you got","I've got every colour in pastel and I've also got white","ok then, the colour that I'm going for is pastel blue","ok then I'm going to just have white",I replied, we went into my room and I got out the pink and white. I shook both of the bottles and opened them up and we started painting our fingernails while talking about gossip,"so Ali, you got your self a boyfriend","why does everyone keep asking me that, and no","how come","because I don't talk to anyone at school and I don't make any friends","whys that then, your a great friend to all of us","I don't make friends with anyone because they are just fake friends. They just want to be my 'friend' so they can meet all of you","well if people do that, they are stupid","they really are", we then started laughing. After we had painted our nails we decided to go back downstairs to see if the film had finished.

Marcus was sitting on the sofa on his phone, he hadn't noticed we had come downstairs so me and Niomi looked at each other, nodded our heads and tiptoed into the kitchen. We filled a bowl of water up and I went into Alfie's office. Niomi then called Marcus,"markky can you come in here please","ok, I didn't know you and Ali had come down","oh, Ali's still upstairs",he then came in the kitchen, I ran out an tipped the bowl of water over his head,"oh, you little",he said laughing, I started running an she ran after me, he caught and gave me a massive hug. I was now soaking.

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