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I took a deep breath and gently smacked my forehead against the bark of a tree in the park. They didn't have the right to think they had reign over me! The nerve of it! As the memory came swooping back, the rage followed and my hands curled into fists.





"These breathing exercises aren't working!" I shouted to the sky. "I need to hit something!" I wheeled around on my heels and slammed my fist into the tree behind me. My knuckles split instantly making me hiss and jump, waving my injured hand in both shock and pain. "Jeez, that was a stupid move." I murmured as I carefully examined the blood and scrapped skin that decorated my hand.

"That it was," An unfamiliar voice chuckled and I wheeled around. He must've been twenty or so, with torn clothing and filthy hair tucked into a black beanie. "Now I wonder what lady has such anger to punch a poor tree."

I said nothing; insults that would've usually found their way out remained stuck in my throat, refusing to be known. "Come on, you can't be more than sixteen, so why are you out here all alone?"

No words. No nothing. I made the deer in headlights look like the deer ran off.

The stranger took a step forward.

It took less than half a second for me to up and bolt.

He followed. The stranger began the chase as soon as I ran away. My instincts led me away from my house, which on foot was a good thirty minutes. I weaved through the trees, branches snagging at my sweater, tearing holes into it and shredding the yarn. I gnawed on my bottom lip as I listened for the stranger, but I couldn't hear anything. It was eerily quiet.

"Got ya."

I shrieked as his hand clamped down on my wrist. Everything that happened next was too much of a rush for me to remember clearly, but somehow I'd gotten ahold of a large branch; I brought it down hard on the stranger's head. He ended up on the ground long enough for me run again before he climbed to his feet, tilting to the sides because of the hit.

I barely remember making the choice to, but somehow I ended up in front of Ian's house. All the lights were off, and the car that was there the first time wasn't there. Please, please be home! I thought as I knocked wildly on the door, my head whipping back and forth between the door and behind me where the creeper lurked. "Please, please, please," I said aloud.

The door popped open and a groggy Ian looked at me, his blonde hair sticking up in odd places. "Charlie?"

"Ian!" I shoved him backwards into the house and slammed the door shut, locking it firmly. Breathing a sigh of relief, I slumped to the ground and rested my head in my hands. "Thank God you were actually home."

"What happened?" His voice was laced with worry that almost made me crack a smile. Why did people worry about people they barely knew? Was it instinct? I have no idea, but I really appreciated it. "Lottie, are you okay?"

Outside, something- someone- knocked over a trashcan and I clapped my hands over Ian's mouth, "Ssh!" I leaned over and peaked out the window, only to find a stray dog scampering across the road. "Okay." I let go and giggled. "This is ridiculous."

Ian grabbed my face, "What happened!?"

"A park creeper chased me. I got away." I shrugged like this was no big deal, but inside I was sobbing like a baby. I wanted to curl up in Ian's arms and wail like a kid, but my wall prevented such signs of weakness.

Ian stayed silent for a whole ten seconds before he exploded, grabbing my upper arms. "A what!? Charlotte, why were you even outside at a time like this!?"

I grimaced and removed his hands, which were gripping at my arm too tight, I'd probably had a bruise from how hard. "I had a bit of a run in with my current roommates. They- for a better word- dissed my mother. I flipped out, and got caught by creepo in the park."

Ian sighed as he moved his hands to lift mine, but when he touched my bruised and battered hand, I yelped in pain and pulled back. "What now?" He asked and gently examined my hurt hand. "I'll go get some gauze and a washcloth."

He climbed to his feet and disappeared into a doorway, only to come back with the pale gauze and a wet washcloth. He sat down next to me and placed my hands gently into his lap where he proceeded to wipe away most of the blood before wrapping it in gauze. "There." He stated and dropped my hand.

I looked up at him and smiled gently. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled back and stood up; I followed his movement and reached for the door once I was on my feet. "Uh-uh. No you don't." Ian grabbed my shoulder, "I'm not letting you leave."

I must've either looked scared or surprised, because he blurted out, "Because of the creepo." He scratched his neck and I smiled, turning to give him a hug.

"You're amazing." I sighed and realized how weird that sounded so I swiftly added, "For letting me stay here, that is. I left my bike at the park and it would've been awkward."

He stared at me for a second and I awkwardly coughed to cover up the seriously tense situation. "I guess I'll go crash on the couch?"

Ian blinked, taken back. "No, you aren't sleeping on the couch. Not after all that craziness. Come on," He grabbed my wrist and tugged me upstairs. I stumbled on the first step and began to pitch forward when Ian caught me, wrapping an arm around my ribcage. "Careful."

I nodded and righted myself. "Sorry. The whole park thing's got me a little off. Sorry," I added again without realizing.

He merely chuckled and continued to bring me upstairs and into his room. "Here." He reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. "Change and knock when you're done." I watched Ian leave and shut the door behind him. I changed quickly and knocked; Ian came in holding a pillow and a blanket.

"I'm sleeping on the couch below you." He said and I smiled.

"Okay. Hey, can we watch some tv? I need to get my mind off things."

He shrugged and I walked over to the couch, settling down and patting the cushion beside me. He sat down and wrapped the blanket around us. It was an old habit that led me to snuggling into Ian's side, resting my head on his shoulder while Monica from Friends was dealing with Chandler not proposing. "Hey, Ian?" I murmured, sleep tugging at me.

"Hmm?" He must've been tired too.

"How would you propose to your girlfriend?" I lifted my head and looked at his jaw. He angled his head so he was looking at me.

He shrugged, "It depends on who she is. If it's who I like now, I'd probably write it in sand and make her stand on a peer so she could look down on it."

I smiled, "That's romantic. Did you steal that from that show Breaking Amish?"

"I don't know."

We sat in silence. "Casey would like that. She likes extravagant." I sighed and played with the collar of Ian's shirt.

"Lottie, I don't like her."

"No, it's okay. I don't care who you like." Really, I didn't. He could like Colin and I could care less.

He sighed, "Okay. Hey, Lottie, what would your perfect proposal be?"

I snuggled deeper, "I'd probably propose first, knowing me and who I would like him to be. But with my luck, it'd be like the couple in Hours. He'd propose when I did and it'd be amazing."



He might've said something else, but I didn't hear it. Sleep finally knocked me out.

It's shorter than normal, but I like it. It's got a lot of Ian-Charlie action. Also, 65 reads!? Awwww, awesomazing, that's what you guys are. And, Hi, friends! Secrets550, have you read this? Are you reading this!? Seriously, I asked you to and if you forgot I'll get you on Monday. 0_0 One eye open if you forgot!

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