Look! It be an update! :O enjoy. :3
"Charlotte?" Someone tapped my shoulder and I shrieked, falling from my desk and onto the floor. "Oh, God! Sorry!" I looked up at Colin with a surprised look.

"Hey! No, it's fine! I was thinking and you startled me." I brushed of my jeans and climbed to my feet. "Wazzup?"

He ran a hand through his dark hair, not meeting my gaze. "Ian."

My face stormed over, "What about him?" I didn't want to hear a thing about that idiot. If he was going to be a baby, I was going to ignore him.

"You really need to talk to him. He's... depressed."

Scoffing, I shoved my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket. "And why would I care? It's not like I'm the cause!"

Colin flushed, still avoiding my eyes. "Colin?" I demanded.

"Just talk to him. He won't talk to anyone and we figured we'd try you."

"We?" I asked, raising one eyebrow. That was when the ENTIRE nerd team slid into the room. I gaped, it was the first time they ever approached me without Mari by my side. I felt cornered. "Oh. That we."

"Will you please talk to him?" Someone in the crowd begged. I looked at them and sighed.

"What makes you think I'm a qualified therapist for the kid? He hates me." I began to pick at the frayed edges of a hole on my jeans. "So, I think I'll go get Mari."

"Mari tried!" Snapped a kid in a baggy flannel shirt. I blinked, taken back by his harshness. Immediately after he yelled this, he flushed and muttered, "Don't hurt me."

Dragging a hand through my hair, I glared at my shoes. "Fine. Lead the way, guys." When I looked back up, they all had the biggest smiles on their faces. Don't make me regret this, I thought as they led me down the hall to a janitor's closet. Flannel shirt knocked, "Ian?"

There was a grunt, then: "Beat it, Nate!"

I rolled my eyes. Once a child, always a child. "Ian, you need to come out." Nate begged. "We need you!"

At that, I snorted. "I always assumed you followed him." Everyone scowled at me and I raised my hands up. "What? Why deny the truth, babe? It only gets you closer to nothing." I winked and laughed.

"Charlie?" Ian asked quietly.

"No, I'm a serial killer waiting for you to stop having a hissy fit." I crossed my arms over my chest and stepped by Nate. "Now, don't be an butt. Come out."

There was a pregnant silence; broken by Ian. "GO AWAY! I DON'T NEED YOU HERE!"

I jumped at the outburst. "What the hell!? Who lit the fuse to your tampon!?"

"Get out of here!" He yelled and slammed his hand on the door. "GO AWAY!"

I slammed my hand on the door with equal force, making the guys jump. "No! I didn't do a thing to you!"

"Just go back to your school girl crush." His voice broke on crush. I frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"Dyson! Just leave me alone!"

"What does this have to do with Dyson!? Are you on drugs!? Is this remission!?" I snapped.

"Your boyfriend," he hissed. "He's probably looking for you."

"Are you.... what boyfriend? You retard! I'm single for a reason!" Yeah, I hate the male gender. "Get out now!"

"No! You're the retard!"

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