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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! (Or Christmas Eve. Technicalities)

"MOVE!" Jordyn shouted and, as if on instinct, the crowd parted enough for me to see her smiling at me, the light pink eyeshadow on her eyes glimmering. "Two times in one day, huh?"

I laughed, "I would hug you, but I kinda have to do something." And that was when I rushed my friend and the devil, quickly grabbing Suzie's arm and yanking it away from Nick. "Back off, idiot. I told you that she's off limits!"

Suzie looked at me then Nick, "Wait, y'all were talking about me? Charlie!"

"He pointed you out as a potential sideline! I had to do something!" I told her, trying to back myself up as the heroine. "I didn't think he'd try and ambush you, I'm sorry!" I looked at Nick, "What the heck, man!? I said no!"

He laughed darkly, "Well, I thought I would have a slight chance with this gorgeous woman. I guess not huh?"

"Rapist, much?" Jordyn sauntered over with a killer look in her eyes. Nick looked at her like some sort of Greek Goddess. "Hi, I'm Jordyn. And I'm here to make you back the heck off." She did a little Miss America wave in a teasing way. "You see, Mr. Rapist, my new friend here would really love it if you actually took no as an answer just this one time. Plus, we girls stick together and I think that Charlie will help me castrate you if needed."

Nick smirked and backed off just a tad, but now his attention was towards the fiery brunette with the killer smile. "Really? I don't think Charlie would be up for that. Taken that she is my best friend."

"Um, dude, hate to break it to you, but I am not your best friend. That would be Gabbie, Suzie, Mari, and my newest best friend Jordyn here." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Is your boyfriend not one of your best friends?" Nick asked.

I froze. Craaaaaap. He was actually listening to the conversation. "Um... Sort of. I guess."

"Boyfriend?" Jordyn and Suzie looked at me.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...." I cringed. "Yeah. Um, Dyson."

"DYSON!?" They all shouted and I flinched, feeling as if I had broken a child's heart. Jordyn kinda looked at me and frowned, sensing something. Hopefully not the lie, but recently I seemed a bit transparent on the whole lying bit. Maybe it was all the Ian-seeing-right-through-me that was wearing down the armor.

Suzie was the first to break the silence. "Is it because of the picture? Do you feel peer pressured? I don't want you to feel peer pressured, buddy."

"No. I actually like him." I lied through my teeth, crying on the inside. Before I could make it any worse for myself, I smiled, "I need to go. I'll see y'all later, kay? Bye!" And I started running while simultaneously taking my phone out of my combat boot. I clicked on Dyson's contact and he picked up on the second ring. "Yellow?"

"Hey, um, it's almost seven. Can you meet me at Viola's Pizzeria?" I smiled at my converse. To anyone else, they could probably see the deeply carved pain and sadness in the small, nearly invisible smile, but I couldn't see it. I felt it.

It wore me down, rubbing away at me like sandpaper.

"Of course! I'll see you then, kay?" Then he hung up at left me alone with my pain.


I slide into the stone cold, purple plastic booth and stared at my hands, twisting and untwisting my fingers; allowing the small distraction to launch my back into the past.

My past.

The past before the MIA. The past before the drunk, unhealthy mother. The past before the pain.

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