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I left the mall without Ian.

No, I did not mount my bike and ride away.

Yes, I ran out of the mall and stopped outside the big doors leading into Macy's and waited.

And what did that idiot do? Five and a half minutes later, Ian came leisurely strolling from the building, a purse sized bag dangling from his hands from that dumb store. "Are you freaking kidding me?" I growled, the snarl tearing through my chest as the anxieties I had faced hit me head on.

"What?" He asked innocently, throwing open the bike compartment and tossing the gift bag inside.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked up at him, "You went back in the store for a gift? Did you not worry that they could've saw you?"

Ian crossed his arms, the wind blew a strand of his dusty blonde hair onto his forehead as his ocean blue eyes settled on mine and for a second, my heart began to race and I couldn't seem to get a breath in. "They saw me, said hey, asked where I was during school. I said I skipped and they looked at one another and left. Simple. Plain. Done."

I scowled, "Backsassing me isn't necessary."

"Quite frankly, my friend, I don't give a crap." He puffed out his chest and I got the vibe he was trying to be somewhat manly in a way. "Can we just go home?" He added suddenly, sending a hammer through the icy silence, shattering it.

I shrugged and climbed onto my bike, tossing my hair back and slipping into the ruby red helmet. "Climb aboard, explorer."

Ian did just that.


There are some things life can't prepare you for. We do, however, map out each scenario and our seperate reactions, but in reality, those mappings blow up in your face when that bullet misses you by inches.

Now, don't take that wrong. In no manner did I have to dodge a bullet in this unprepared scenario. Though, Darla is as close to a bullet as anything on the planet.

I pulled into Ian's driveway and noticed that the red Silverado was missing and the fresh skid marks told me that they were in quite the hurry. "Well," I said as Ian climbed off. "I'll see you at school tom-"

"IAN DOUGLAS JACOBS! WHERE THE ACTUAL HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Darla came racing out of the house like a mad bull, not bothering to shut the door, her curly brown hair sticking up oddly.

"DARLA, WAIT!!" A girl Darla's age came chasing after her, holding a baseball bat, though with those spaghetti arms, I doubt she could get a decent swing going. "IAN, SHE'S RAGING, MAN. JUST RUN!"

And that was Ian took off, running around to the back of the house. For a tall, lanky, stick kid, he sure could run. Darla made a grumbling sort of noise and chased right after him. The baseball bat girl stood by me and huffed, "I wasted all my energy holding her back."

I nodded, "I know the feeling."

She turned to me and stuck out her hand, "Connie Gabriel."

Taking her hand, I introduced myself, "Charlotte Russo."

"Hiya," She said cheefully. "Are you Ian's girlfriend?"

"Nah. Paper partner."

"Hm," She hummed doubtfully. "Y'all seem awfully close for paper partners."

I snickered and turned to the kid, "I made out with him once. That's all." Connie nodded, "I see a future. Charlotte Jacobs!" She did a weird jazzy hands kinda move and shouted, "Sparkle fingers!" At my curious glance.


"DARLA, PLEASE SPARE ME!!!" Ian came racing back the way he came, out of breath and pink.


He stumbled, horror filled his blue eyes. "CHARLIE NEEDED A PLACE TO STAY! YOU'RE MISUNDERSTANDING!"

Darla froze in her tracks, kicking up chunks of dying grass. "WHAT!?" Then to my surprise, she turned on her heels and began charging me. "YOU WERE IN MY BROTHER'S BEDROOM?!"

Connie blinked, looking between the raging sister and myself before whispering, "Run." And I took off.

So so so so so SO incredible short. It's absolutely unacceptable, but I'm preparing for what comes up. It's sorta big. Want a spoiler?

Spoiler: Dyson action!

I will try and update sooner, but I've got Finals all week which means studying and panic attacks! Yay!!!

Anyway, sorry! It's so short!

♥- Nessie (ThatRandomEnthusiast)

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