The Player

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"Angie, you forgot your lunch!" My mom called after me right before I opened the door. She appears right behind me.
"Oh thanks, Mom," I say as she hands my lunch bag to me.
"Have a great first day, honey!" She says. I step out the door and wave as I say goodbye and then I get into the passenger seat in my older brother, Andrew's, car. He drives me to my new school and then leaves for college. I head into the building and there are signs posted for grade 9 orientation day. I follow them and head into the gym where it's being held.
I spot my friend Victoria and she squeals when she sees me.
"ANGIE OH MY GOSH HEY GIRL!" She screams as we hug.
"How was your summer?" I ask and we talk until they tell us to take a seat on the bleachers. There's a mentor sitting in front of us, he's probably about 17 and he's really cute with blonde hair and hazel eyes. He keeps making jokes and making people around him laugh. Eventually he comes and sits beside Victoria and me.
"Hey," he says. "I'm Shawn, what's your name?"
"Angie," I smile at him.
"Nice to meet you," he says as he shakes my hand. He's so sweet, I think to myself.


"Oh my gosh, you got so much taller you were so short last year!" My friend Katrina says when I walk into Second Cup and walk over to where she's sitting. She stands up and wraps me in a bear hug. I hug her back while trying to breathe.

"Oh please, Kat, shut up!" I laugh. "Hey you dyed your hair! When did that happen?" Her hair is naturally black but it's now a beautiful dark red that suits her light brown skin perfectly.

"Just last week actually," she smiles. "Mom finally let me. She isn't happy with it but she was tired of me begging for it." I nod as I take a seat in the chair across from her. We talk for a while and I notice some of my old classmates come into the store and order. Katrina and I wave and we say hi and go back to talking. A few minutes later this boy walks in and begins flirting with Tricia, one of my former classmates. He buys her and her friends something and he winks and leaves. I see only part of his face and he looks familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. The girls start to leave and they come to where Kat and I are sitting and they're about to say goodbye but Kat asks about the boy.

"Oh his name is Shawn! Isn't he just adorable?" Tricia says. Kat smiles politely. Then they leave and Kat starts talking smack about that guy Shawn.

"Wow this guy's hitting on girls wayyy younger than him what does he think he's doing?"

"Well I mean they look much older than they are so maybe he doesn't know? But then again he might be a playboy... We never know."

"Ok whatever. It shouldn't be out problem I guess. So did you hear Linda got a new cat?" We talk for a while before we head home. As I'm walking around the corner to where my house is, it hits me. Shawn goes to my school! He's the same guy from the first day!

I immediately text Tricia to make sure.
Me: hey you know what school Shawn goes 2?
Tricia: ya, Thorndale High y?
Me: just wondering... I didn't think it was right that he was hitting on girls much younger than him
Tricia: well ya, he's a f***boy so...
Me: :/ ok well ttyl

I couldn't believe I almost fell for someone like him. Shawn the player. Lesson learned; never go for seniors.

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