Chapter 26 Kilie

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Chapter 26
Kilie's pov

" I can't believe this is her last day filming." Drew said

I nodded my head in agreement and watched my sister act on stage.

"I fell like it hasn't been that long that she has been working on this movie." I said

The whole family was here to watch Katie's last day of filming. After today she is done and the editing process begins and then they give a release date.

I watched as she finished up her last scene.

"Annnd that's a wrap people great job!" The director said

Everyone was cheering and clapping. My family hollering and cheering for Katie!

"Let's go Katie!" I yelled while cheering for her

She smiled and laughed and Lucas hugged her and kissed her cheek tell him she did a good job. She smiled and told him he did as well.

"You ready?" Drew turned and asked me

"Yeah" I smiled at him and followed behind him

We walked over to where they were having the wrap party. Katie started walking towards us. I brought her into a hug and congratulated her "you were so great! I can't wait to see you on the big screen!"

"Thanks sis! Hopefully it seeks well or my acting career is over." She joked

Drew hugged her as well "You were so great Katie. There is no way the movie won't do great." He told her

She thanked him then had to leave to go say her goodbyes to the rest of the cast.

"What about how me how did I do Kilie?" Lucas came up to me asking

I rolled my eyes knowing he was asking to get on my nerves "fine I guess"

"That might be the closest thing I have gotten to a compliment from you!" He smirked

"Don't get used to it. And just know I will literally kill you if you hurt my sister." I threatened him

"Seriously Kilie I'm in love with her." He said and I could tell he was being serious and put all the joking away

"For your sake you better hope it stays that way." I said coldly

"Kilie come on. I don't want you to get in a bad mood it's your sisters day and I'm sure she wants you to be happy." Drew pulled me away.

"Your right, thanks." I said as we walked away I don't know why I get so mad I just have this gut feeling that he is hiding something.


"Drew stooooop" I said out of breath and laughing

He had me pinned down on the couch tickling me. We were fighting over the remote which I currently had. By fighting I mean he is tickling me trying to get me to give it up.

"Will you give me the remote?" He stops for a second.

I smirk and lean up and kiss his lips then quickly squirm out from under him and run to the other side of the couch "neverrr!" I stick my tongue out at him and run into my room as he chases me.

"Kilie why do you run you know I'm gonna catch you, and your so gonna pay for that kiss! That was evil, using me like that." He spoke hot on my tail.

I laughed and lunged for my bed. He grabbed my hips and flipped me around on my bed. He slowly started climbing on my bed like a cat catching its prey. I will admit it was quite sexy. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above me head "you shouldn't have teased me Kilie." He whispers in my ear making me shiver. He captures my ear lope in his teeth and my breath hitches. He continues down my neck trailing kisses. I tried to grab his face to kiss him but Drew still had my hands captive. "Eh eh eh, apologize and I'll let you free." He smirked

I bit my lip contemplating if it was worth it. Before I could decide his lips were back on my neck leaving fiery kisses.

Oh it's so worth it. "I'm sorry." I said breathlessly

"What was that?" He mumbled on my neck making me squirm."

"I'm sorry for teasing you!" I said a little louder. He smirked and let my hands free. They immediately went to his face bringing him in to kiss me. I swear I was floating on clouds. Kissing him was true bliss. I kissed him hungrily and passionately and he returned the same way.

He pulled away after a minute and resisted his head on mine "I love you so much."

I pecked his lips "I love you too!"

He smiled and got up off me and off my bed. He held out his hand to help me up. I grabbed it and didn't let go once he helped me up. We walked hand and hand back to watch tv.

This was happiness for me. Just being with Drew. He was my happiness

Sorry it's a short and boring chapter the next one will be better I promise! Only like 5 more chapters!! 😭 let me know what you think!!

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