Cats of the Clans

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Eaglestar light brown tom with a white chest and amber eyes


Poppyheart tortoiseshell she-cat with leaf-green eyes  

Medicine Cat

Addertail dark grey tabby she-cat with a white tail and yellow eyes  


Shatteredfang jet-black tom with with white ear tips, yellow eyes, and a cracked tooth

Icepetal white she-cat with ice-blue eyes

Apprentice: Rainpaw

Dappleshine spotted ginger -and-white tom with one blue eye and one yellow

Goldenspiral golden-and-white she cat with soft-blue eyes

Softsong ginger tabby tom with green eyes

Bramblepelt- fluffy tabby tom with amber eyes

Flowersting pale ginger she-cat with green eyes

Duskwhisper dark grey tom with amber eyes

Apprentice: Owlpaw

Clovergaze ginger she-cat with green eyes

Tinypuddle small grey-blue tom with deep blue eyes

Thistlejaw silver tabby tom with spiky fur and light-blue eyes

Pebbleclaw black tom with amber eyes


Rainpaw tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

Owlpaw brown tabby tom with white paws and yellow eyes


Robinheart calico she-cat with green eyes (mother to Pebbleclaw's kit, Shadekit)

Froststrike white she-cat with yellow eyes (mother to Thistlejaw's kits Emberkit, Dustkit, and Harekit)

Silverflower beautiful silver and white she-cat with blue eyes (expecting Tinypuddle's kits)


Hazelflash tan tom with green eyes



Berrystar black-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes


Redwater reddish-brown tom with amber eyes

Medicine cat

Smokewisp dark grey tabby tom with deep blue eyes


Sagestem white she-cat with pale green eyes

Frogsplash grey and tan tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes

Quietpounce muscular tan-and-white she-cat with light blue eyes

Meadowbreeze cream tabby tom with brown eyes

Apprentice: Rockypaw

Thornberry brown tabby tom with green eyes

Mumblebelly goldenish-brown she-cat with amber eyes

Tangleclaw black she-cat with green eyes

Lizardleg brown tabby tom with white and yellow eyes

Dewyfeather black tabby she-cat with white

Apprentice: Timberpaw

Shrewnose light brown tom with long muzzle and pale amber eyes

Snailflight brown tom with yellow eyes

Tansyleaf tortoiseshell she-cat with small white patches and green eyes

Runningwater very light grey she-cat with white and blue eyes


Timberpaw light tabby tom with light green eyes

Rockypaw dark grey tom with blue eyes


Featherflower silver she-cat with white streaks and yellow eyes (mother to Meadowbreeze's kits Tigerkit, Sunkit, Beekit, and Puddlekit)


Petaldapple ginger tom with yellow eyes



Halfstar pale ginger she-cat with green eyes and half of one ear missing


Leopardsong white she-cat with small black spots and green eyes

Medicine Cat

Minnowleap old black-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes

Apprentice Copperpaw fluffy orange tom with white underbelly and yellow eyes


Silentstream white she-cat with amber eyes

Apprentice: Lightpaw

Snowbelly dark brown tabby tom with white underbelly and blue eyes

Troutswipe cream fluffy tom with deep green eyes

Brokenfall ginger tabby tom with green eyes

Apprentice: Littlepaw

Leaftail pale tortoiseshell she-cat with white muzzle and underbelly with amber eyes

Honeydapple pale orange she-cat with white paws and yellow eyes

Brackencall golden-brown tom with amber eyes

Briarberry dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Daisywing silver she-cat with white stripes and blue eyes

Tallwhisker black tom with white chest and green eyes

Doveheart grey she-cat with a white spot on chest and green-yellow eyes

Apprentice: Yarrowpaw

Rushingfoot fast tortoiseshell she-cat with light green eyes and a scarred muzzle 

Wolfswoop almost black tabby tom with a white underbelly and muzzle and blue eyes

Apprentice: Aspenpaw


Lightpaw black-and-white tom with yellow eyes

Littlepaw small light grey she-cat with darker stripes and green eyes

Yarrowpaw silver she-cat with white chest, paws, and muzzle and light blue eyes

Aspenpaw black tom with green eyes


Sheeptuft white she-cat with two black paws and brown eyes


Ravencroak black tom with yellow eyes

Toadsplash brown tabby tom with white underbelly and amber eyes

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