Chapter 1

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Shadekit snuggled closer to her mother's belly. A milky scent filled the young kit's nostrils. Shadekit detected something else. Sadness and anger poured from her mother. Fallingkit and Mousekit, Shadekit's littermates, died as soon as they were born. Suddenly a loud sigh came from her mother.

"Fallingkit and Mousekit are probably wishing you well from StarClan," the white queen, Froststrike comforted.

Shadekit opened her eyes, it wasn't her first time, but she had only first opened them the day before.

"Yea," Robinheart, her mother, spat, "probably."

"You still have Shadekit to look after, you don't want to lose her too, do you?" Froststrike asked with an edge to her voice.

"Why would I care," Robinheart hissed bitterly. "Pebbleclaw doesn't care." Robinheart stood up, purposefully knocking Shadekit off her belly.

Shadekit let out a pitiful whimper. "That hurt," She squeaked. Why doesn't she like me?

Froststrike growled then called, "Emberkit, come here!"

A few moments later the ginger she-kit's head poked in the cave. "Yes?"

"Take Shadekit outside with you to play," Froststrike ordered.

Emberkit seemed to detect something in her mother's voice, because she didn't ask any questions. "Come on Shadekit, let's go play Battle with Dustkit and Harekit."

Shadekit stumbled miserably after Emberkit. Thoughts whirled through her small mind. They soon got out of the den, and Dustkit and Harekit were waiting.

"Did you get in trouble?" Harekit asked, bounding up to Emberkit.

"What did you do?" Dustkit asked almost at the same time, catching up to Harekit.

Emberkit sat down, confusion lit in her eyes. "Froststrike is angry," She announced.

Dustkit's eyes widened. "You must have done something terrible!" He squeaked.

"Yea," Harekit breathed. "Froststrike's never mad."

Emberkit's yellow eyes rested on Shadekit. "I didn't get in trouble, it was Shadekit."

Shadekit felt herself shrink under the burning of stares as the other two kits looked at her.

"What did you do?" Dustkit asked, his eyes glowing as if nothing bad happened.

"Did you put a thorn in Froststrike's nest?" Harekit asked, his fur fluffed.

"I-I..." She trailed off, her eyes shut tightly, her tiny claws digging into the earth.

The other kits' eyes burned into her again, heating her pelt.

"I did nothing!" Shadekit wailed. She opened her eyes, her vision was slightly blurred.

Cats in the clearing looked at the four kits.

"Everything alright?" A ginger she-cat named Clovergaze asked.

Shadekit stared at Clovergaze, eyes blazing. "No," She spat. "Nothing is alright"

Shadekit felt Clovergaze's tail run down her spine. "Come with me, little one," The she-cat murmured.

Reluctant at first, Shadekit followed. As they walked, not a cat spoke. They sat down under a shady tree.

"What happened?" Clovergaze asked, her tone was serious.

"Robinheart is mean!" Shadekit hissed, her tiny tail lashing. Stop asking me about this!

"What did she do?" Clovergaze asked another question.

"She said she doesn't care how I  feel, she only cares about how Fallingkit and Mousekit feel!" Shadekit let out a wail and left Clovergaze by herself. She crouched in a small bush. An orange shape came running towards her.

"Come on, Shadekit," Emberkit mewed sympathetically. "Let's play Battle."


Shadekit let out a yawn as she awoke. "I'm hungry!" She complained. She snuggled closer to Froststrike's belly.

"Robinheart will feed you soon." Froststrike tried to comfort Shadekit, but her voice was dry.

"Yea, whatever," Came a snort from Robinheart. "Just hurry you little scrap."

Shadekit tumbled blindly over to Robinheart. She quickly fed and fled away before Robinheart hurt her. Suddenly a tongue rasped over her ear.

"Don't worry, Shadekit, I won't let Robinheart hurt you," Froststrike soothed. "Go outside and play now."

Shadekit hesitated before standing up. She padded slowly out of the den, letting her eyes adjust to the bright sunhigh light. She saw Emberkit, Harekit, and Dustkit playing a game, but decided to leave them alone. Maybe I should explore... Shadekit spotted a cave in the side of the mountain. She bounded excitedly over to the cave, slowing down as she got to the entrance. She poked her head in and saw nests on the ground. Who sleeps here? Shadekit wondered. She went all the way in and sniffed the next. Cat scent was fresh on her nose.

"Looking for someone?" A voice asked form behind Shadekit.

Shadekit nearly jumped out of her fur. She whipped around. "W-who are you?" She squeaked.

The cat let out a purr of amusement. "Just Addertail, MountainClan's medicine cat."

Shadekit took a step closer to see that the she-cat's tail was pure white while the rest of her was a dark grey. "You're the medicine cat?" Shadekit asked, tilting her head.

"I am," The she-cat purred. "I could show you around if you like." Addertail began to pad deeper into the cave.

Shadekit followed. Suddenly they halted.

"This is where the herbs are stored," Addertail informed.

"Can you teach me some herbs?" Shadekit asked excitedly.

A surprised expression lit up Addertail's face. "Of course!" She purred with delight. She padded up to a pile of large leaves. "These leaves are dock," She explained. "It's good for sore pads and scratches."

Shadekit's eyes widened as she looked at the tangy smelling leaf. "Dock," She repeated slowly.

"This plant is feverfew." Addertail pointed a paw at the plant. "It's good for fevers and headaches."

Small white flowers with a yellow inside. Shadekit touched a paw to the leaves and noticed they were soft. "Feverfew," She breathed.

Addertail's eyes shone with satisfaction. "One more," She said, padding over to small, black seeds. "These are poppy seeds," She told Shadekit. "It makes a cat sleepy, and it eases pain and distress."

"Wow," Shadekit breathed. "This is amazing!" She gave a small bounce. "I can't wait to tell Froststrike what I learned!" She squealed. "She'll be so impressed!" Shadekit ran off, a smile spreading across her face. At that moment Shadekit knew exactly what she wanted to do. She wanted to be a medicine cat.

Warriors: Rising Storm #1: Robin's CallWhere stories live. Discover now