Chapter 16

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A moon had passed since the incident with Frozenpaw, and life had been normal with the occasional glares from her mother, hisses from Softsong, and sharp retorts from Frozenpaw. The sun had just sunk behind the mountain. Shadepaw had hunted with her mentor. Newleaf had begun, already leaves grew.

A sudden screech made Shadepaw alert for trouble. Flowersting was herding her kit, Snakekit out of the nursery. "Robinheart's kitting!" she announced.

Addertail immediately raced out of her den, caring a bundle of herbs. Shadepaw wanted siblings, but not siblings that her mother would manipulate in believing she was evil. She sighed and lay in the shade of a tree. Softsong was pacing anxiously outside the clearing. Pebbleclaw, what should I do? She asked silently. She was suddenly aware of his scent, but she couldn't hear him speaking or see his shape. She was comforted by his presence.

When the moon had rose, a thin cry pierced the air. A loud boom and a flash of lightning followed. Time seemed to freeze. Two, lightning and thunder together after the kits were born. Thunder and lightning will rise with power! The kits must be the thunder and lightning, but how many kits were there? A shiver went up her spine. Did the sign mean the kits would destroy the clans?

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