15: Forced to Escape

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I know! I know it took me forever to update! But it has been a bit of a torture to me too, I told myself: Dream, you can't enter to Wattpad until you have a chapter of Fate Defier written... So yeah, I haven't been on lately because of that too...
And sorry! I can't control inspiration! Sorry if this is a bit short!
But from now on, I have most of the things that are going to happen planned so I'll update more often! (Hopefully)
But now, hope you enjoy!!


"Look! look! This is the best part! Look at Megatron's faceplate!!" I point at the projection.

I'm showing Wheeljack the time when I switched the cons' paint jobs.

In the video, Megatron steps out of his quarters and looks around with an angry faceplate.

"What is the matter here?!" He demands to know, he looks around and stares at the switched paint jobs of all the cons, then he looks at the camera and frowns, "What in the pits..-?" he looks down at himself and his jaw drops.

Wheeljack and me burst out laughing.

"I can no longer look at him seriously!" Wheeljack exclaims while laughing.

"Wait to see Soundwave!!"
The camera turns and starts running away, for a moment it turns back and suddenly falls to the floor.
The groans of the younger me can be heard as she-I or whoever stands up and gives a perfect shot of Soundwave.

I almost fall from my seat because of laughter.

Soundwave stands there, painted grey like Starscream and has that weird red thing glued to his helm. But the funniest thing is Sounder's screen/faceplate... It has a derpy Starscream's faceplate painted there.

Wheeljack hides his faceplate in his servos as he laughs, this time so hard that it doesn't even sound.

In the video, Soundwave's servos go directly towards the camera and everything goes black.

We both keep laughing for a while and end up breathing heavily, still smiling.

"You are so insane" he says, looking at me.

"I am!" I chuckle.
We stay in silence for some seconds and he starts laughing again.

"I just still can't believe you did that!" He shakes his helm. "Do y..-"
Something in the ship starts beeping, interrupting him.
We both sit straight and look forward.

"Engines?" I ask.

"Radar" he replies. "There's another ship near, Check the..-"

"I know"
It's been a while since we left Earth and I've learnt how to pilot this ship, I've learnt the controls and every button, I just have problems with the sounds of the alerts.

Suddenly a voice sounds from the ship's communicator.

"You're gonna shoot your old pal?"

We look at each other and Wheeljack smiles.

"Wouldn't even think about it" He replies.

"Man! It's been a while" The other voice exclaims.

"Now I'm a little lost here..." I rise my servo.

"Who's that?"

"She's Skylight, a close friend of mine, we can trust her" Wheeljack replies.

"Oh don't tell me you've got soft and became friends of everyone" the mech mockingly says.

"Please Seaspray, don't forget who you're talking to"

"Seaspray?" I step closer to the communicator.

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