Chapter 1: Life

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*June's veiwpoint*
I jerked awake. My alarm clock on my phone going off. I shut the alarm off and checked the time, 7:10, shit, I have to hurry. I jumped up from my floor, I now slept on it because I had a bunkbed and I was wanting to charge my phone while I slept because the battery was always close to dead when I went to sleep and I listened to music as I slept so ya. I grabbed a shirt and some sweatpants, quickly putting them on. I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail before sitting down and putting my shoes on. I rushed to the kitchen to make my coffee. I then put my hat on and went to my room. I grabbed my phone charger and put it in my backpack before putting my backpack on and put my glasses on along with my headphones and put my hat back on over them. I grabbed my coffee and turned my music on and headed out the door. I jumped on my bike and quickly rode off. It takes me about five minutes to ride the mile to school so I checked the time, 7:35. Good, I won't be late for breakfast. I got to school and put my bike on the bike rack before walking in.

I walked down my school's hallway, my heavy backpack, or as I like to call it my "locker", on my back, coffee cup in hand, and my breakfast, it was something new the cooks where trying out so I didn't really eat much of it. I looked around before looking down at my watch, it was all chewed up because I had lost it a few years ago at a friends and their dogs got a hold of it. The time was 7:50, great, ten minutes of walking around. I walked to my first class, Algebra 1. I took my backpack off and set it on my desk, taking my hat off and setting it on my backpack before walking out of the classroom and around the school. I said hi to my Jr. High teachers, I was a freshman so I didn't get to see them much any more. There was a new science teacher, I don't remember her name though.

I stood up in seminar and packed my locker, putting my drawing notebook back in it. I slung it over my shoulder, the bell ringing right as I did so I headed to my next class, Drafting. I was the only girl in the class and there were three other freshman in it along with a Sophomore I think. I set my backpack down next to me and grabbed my supplies. We worked all hour on drawing so I just continued to listen to my music. I was hungry by the time lunch came though I didn't each much. I just wrote on my phone, I was making a new book but I wasn't going to be giving it out to public, I don't think I could ever do that.

I got on my bike and rode to the other side of school. The time was about 3:20. I stopped near the bench and set my bike against the brick wall. I put my hat on and waited for my friend to come walking out the door. I took my headphones off as he walked up. "Hey Jac."

"Hi June." Jac said and sat down next to me as he waited for the bus. We chatted for about ten minutes before the buses came and I headed home.

*Meck's veiwpoint*
I sat at the table next to the table the freshman girl was sitting at. She listened to her music, completely unaware of what the three freshman boys were doing and saying as she worked. I was seated at the table by myself and was working myself but I couldn't help but think of how cute she is. I ignored the other three boys, listening to music myself. When lunch came she sat at the same table she does everyday. I sat there too with some others, she was still listening to her music as she played on her phone, she had only drank her milk and gave the rest of it to someone else at the table. I ate my lunch and then watched the tv, my thoughts focused on her though. When the bell rang I went to my next class.

I sat in my last class of the day and she was in it. The teacher checked to make sure our homework was done, and like usual the girl had no homework. I read from my book and couldn't keep my thoughts from her.

I walked out of the school building and headed home, noticing the girl riding her bike to the Jr. High side. I watched her but continued on walking.

I got home and went to my room. I locked my door and made sure my window was shut and locked, tonight was a full moon and I was more drawn out during this time.

I sat on my bed and laid down. I grabbed a book and started reading. It was night by the time I finished reading so I put my book away and laid down to stare at the ceiling.

My thoughts quickly turned to the girl before I could stop it. I just laid there awake thinking about her. When the moon rose I stood up and started pacing, my thoughts getting quicker.

When the moonlight leaked into my room from my window I started to change. I grew fangs, my vision enhanced, my hearing and smelling enhanced as well, my eyes turned a beautiful red that glowed slightly in the darkness, and my skin became colder than ice itself. My thoughts were still focused on the girl. With my hearing enhanced greatly I tried finding her heartbeat but when I did I also heard screaming. I bolted to my window and broke it, speeding out of my room and across town towards the girl.

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