Chapter 19: Dream State

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*Mecks viewpoint*
I nodded to my brothers. They looked over at the other two general's as I looked at my own and ordered him over. I explained the plan to him and he nodded before going to give orders. I watched him. "Hold on just a bit longer June."

Betan called my name and I looked over at him. "Almost ready Loku."

I nodded to him and looked around the army. "Hopefully this plan works..." I thought to myself.

*June's viewpoint*
I was relieved when the darkness finally came. I looked around it and knew what I had to do.

*Mecks viewpoint*
I gasped and held my head. My brothers looked at me and slowed the horses down.

"Loku, you ok?" Casey asked.

I shook my head which made it pound even more.

"What's wrong?" Betan asked.

"I don't know but I don't think it's giving up the fight." I said.

"Get a medic." Casey commanded a guard.

The guard nodded and rode off to the back.

He came back about a minute later with a medic following him. The medic came over to me as I was still holding my head. She looked me over and turned to my brothers.

"What is it?" They asked.

"I'll have to speak to you in private but for now he needs to rest and go to the back with the other medics." She said.

They nodded and we all stopped our horses.

When the back caught up she called for a carriage and then ordered for me to be put in it.

When I was finally in the carriage after a lot of protesting from me I sat down. "Now, lay down and get some sleep, your brothers can handle this for now without you. They have been for the past ten thousand years anyways." The medic said and sat down across from me.

I shook my head. "But what about June?" I said a bit painfully.

"Don't worry for now, just lay down and we will probably be done by the time you wake up." She said and forced me to lay down. "So, get to sleep before I make you go to sleep." She threatened and I grumbled but closed my eyes and immediately fell unconscious.

*June's viewpoint*
I smiled and thanked the medic. I was completely unseen to any other eye because I was actually still in Dirisoni's castle in the room but I was asleep so I made myself known to the medic from behind Meck as I tried getting him to listen to me. When he finally gave in and went to sleep I was glad that that part worked out. I said my goodbyes to the nurse and she just nodded before watching me disappear.

*Mecks viewpoint*
I was walking around the darkness when I saw my mom. I smiled and ran up to her only to stop and pause because of the clear view of the person now. I stared in disbelief.

June smiled at me. "It's nice to see you too."

She was covered in blood but looked to be unharmed.

I blinked a couple times then focused on her again. "But you're inside the castle..." I muttered but didn't say anything about the blood or torn dress.

"Yes I am but we are in a dream dimension that I summoned for us, meaning we can talk to each other when ever we want to no matter where we are." June said. "And the answer for your question is that Dirisoni had tried to get me to scream and cry for his own entertainment but trust me, he isn't as evil as you all say he is."

I looked at her a bit shocked at first then my expressions hardened. "Dirisoni is evil. He always will be evil."

*June's viewpoint*
"Dirisoni is good, he just has a demon inside of him that's taken control. I have felt it, sensed it, I even saw his true side."

Meck puffed. "No, Dirisoni can't be possessed. Dragons can't be possessed, at least not easily." He said.

I sighed and looked at him. "He is. If you would have seen what I had seen then you'd know." I said. "I want to stay and help him out."

"No! You can't stay here with him! I couldn't leave you to die here. I am going with you." Meck said.

"But Meck, he might kill you and I couldn't live with myself if you died." I said.

*Mecks viewpoint*
I looked at June. She was covered in blood and barefoot with her dress tattered and torn. Questions buzzed in my head but I had to focus on the situation at hand. "June, I won't die for him. I will only die for you."

June looked at me and I could see tears start to form in her eyes. I walked up to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"Don't worry about me June, as long as you are ok then so will I." I said, resting my chin on the top of her head.

"I know Meck." June said.

"Loku." I said and she looked up at me confused. "My real name is Loku."

June smiled. "Ok. I like Loku a lot more anyways."

"I do too. I mean, who has Meck as a name?" I said.

June looked up at me with sparkling eyes and a bright smile. "You did."

"I did." I chuckled lightly. I looked down at her and smiled. I brushed a hair out of her eyes and leaned in close to her. "Has anyone ever told you exactly how beautiful you are in that dress?"

"No. Mostly because not many people have seen me in this dress." June said.

"Well, that will all change when I get you out of Dirisoni's clutches. You shall be the most beautiful princess in all the world and will be for all of eternity." I said and kept her close.

June smiled and leaned up to my ear. "Only if you'll always be with me." She whispered and leaned back to look at me.

I smiled at her. "As long as I can be." I said and then leaned forward so our noses were touching.

"You know you can kiss me." June said. "Its only fair after I had kissed you and made you confess."

"Ya. But maybe I want this moment to last." I said but pulled her close and kissed her anyways.

She smiled and closed her eyes.

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