Chapter 9: Dreams

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*June's viewpoint*
I yawned and looked at the time on my watch. It was about midnight. I had read through the book carefully, only getting halfway because it was thick and long and old. I got up and marked my place before grabbing the comforter that Betan had gave me and laid on the bed. I laid awake for a while, thinking about all of this stuff. What had led to it and why I had been involved with it. I finally gave up and the darkness came in place of the light.

I was walking around in a beautiful forest during autumn​ when the leaves were all turning colors and falling off. I loved it during this time, it was ultimately my favorite time of the year.

Suddenly the place was dissipating into a black hole of darkness and I tried calling out for help but I heard nothing come out.

Darkness surrounded me and I was shaking in my skin, trying to figure out what was happening.

Suddenly there was a flash of light and a man and woman appeared in front of me and I jumped and screamed, backing away from them.

"Don't be shy June. It's alright my dear child." The woman said softly and I felt safer but I still shook. "We are here to help you."

"W-who are you?" I managed to say. I gulped and stood straighter.

"We are the past of Spirit Princess and Hell." The man said in a gruff voice. He looked exactly like Betan did but he had jet black hair. The woman looked just like a princess, her dress being white with some designs being a very light blue/grey. "The original ones. But with time repeating itself you have been chosen."

"W-what do you mean?" I stammered.

"You shall know soon enough June." The woman said. "We can't say much because time is short but you shall see us again soon enough. Now hurry girl and wake up before those guys do something they'll regret."

"But I still have questions." I said but the image was fading away and I could hear my name being called. The dream faded away completely and I blinked open my eyes to find all three guys standing on each side of the bed, Meck standing right beside me and looking at me with concern. "June?! Speak to me June! Are you alright?! What were you thinking?!" Meck bombarded me with questions.

I held my head as a headache started to rise up. "What do you mean?" I then noticed that the clothes I was wearing were torn and some leafs stuck to them. My pants were covered in dirt and mud. I was half soaked and my feet were just a muddy mess. My eyes widened and I caught myself wondering what had happened while I was asleep. "What happened?"

"We heard a scream in the forest and we all ran to find you laying in a pool of crystal clear water called The Pool of Destiny's. We took you back here after trying to wake you up and have been trying to wake you up ever since." Betan said.

I noticed that it was still dark outside. "How long was I out?"

"Well we've been here about two hours now." Casey said.

I checked my watch, it was 5 A. M. That was funny, it only felt like I was asleep for half an hour. I looked back up and I could see the emotions swirling in Meck's eyes. I smiled softly and grabbed his hand. "Hey, don't worry, I'm fine."

Meck nodded and stood up straight then took a step back.

Betan and Casey watched us both, something in their eyes that I didn't exactly like.

I stood up and almost fell face first if not have been for Meck who caught me.

"You OK?" Meck asked. I nodded and he set me back on the bed. "Maybe you should stay right there and stay off your legs so they can rest."

"But I don't want to stay right here." I protested. I crossed my arms and glared at them all.

Casey and Betan were nodding their heads in agreement with Meck. "He's right, you should stay there." Betan said.

Casey led the two out of the room. I huffed and reached for the book. I crawled to the headboard, grabbing pillows to put behind my back and rested against those as I continued in the place I left off.

Drigans: The beasts from hell

I shivered at the name title. "That's what Meck said he was. I wonder if that's what Casey and Betan is too." I went back to reading.

Drigans are known to us as demons. They usually have owners that summon them but if one lives long enough from going to owner to owner then they can be in a solid form without an owner and can go from place to place. They protect their owners like nothing else. They can have the powers of other creatures and forms but only if done by the same way the creatures would turn humans. The prospects of vampires biting Drigans were high because of the fact that they protected kings and queens when vampires were out to kill them.

Basic powers

The most basic powers of Drigans is being summoned. They were made to teleport their owner somewhere safe when in danger. They can also hide or blend in with their surroundings. They usually carry around a sword but some carry around other weapons that they can use magic with to help better protect their owner. They can use spells but basic ones on their own.


The history of Drigans is not as long as some others.

Drigans are demons who were summoned from Hell. Originally they were used to help heal and care for the sick but then darker times came and they were used for war. Many of them died fighting each other but the few that survived have endured many hard times. The ones that have survived to this day are the worthiest, loyalist, truest Drigans of them all.

Drigans are naturally respectable and helpful beings. They were born like that.

How Drigans are made

Humans can be turned to Drigans but the process is rarely used because of how much suffering and pain they go through. So naturally if a human knows about Drigans when they shouldn't they are killed.

But if they were to be turned into a Drigan they would be captured and be chained to a round table. First they would have their arms cut, leading down it and then the Palm of their hand stabbed. Next their ankles would be cut and have salt poured onto the cuts. The human would then be flipped over and have two slices cut in into their back, feathers would be stuck there and then they'd be bitten. Once bitten their necks would be sliced.

The process is long and could take anywhere from a week to a month to complete. Most humans died in that time but the few that survived would wish they had died.

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